Chapter 6

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[One month timeskip]
Everything was just great.

Pj has slipped into depression and you have to go to school.

There is an hour until you have to go to school.
You slide on your school uniform and proceed to go to Pj's bedroom. You walk in, and Pj is sleeping. You walk to his dresser, being careful not to wake him up, and check for any sharp objects he may be keeping in there.

You look through all the drawers and you find a knife hidden in a shirt, and you take it out with a sigh. You walk over to the bed, kiss Pj's forehead and walk out. You put the knife back with the others in the drawer in the kitchen. He hardly comes out of his bedroom, so it's unlikely he'll come out to grab one. You toast some crumpets and proceed to eat them rather quickly, checking your social media.

30 minutes until school. You check in on Pj again, and he's still sleeping, so you quickly duck over to Dan and Phil's.

"Hey, Y/N, how's Pj?" Dan greeted you.

"He's the same, he's asleep at the moment," you replied. All of a sudden there were multiple loud thumping noises, and Phil appeared in the doorway.

"H- hey, Y/N," Phil greeted, out of breath.

"Hi Phil," you said with a laugh. "Anyways, can you guys make sure Pj doesn't do anything stupid while I'm at school? I'm scared he's going to..." You trailed off as you started to tear up, knowing full well that he could kill himself while you are gone.

"Aww, Y/N, it's okay. We'll make sure he doesn't," Phil assured you, and pulled you into a hug. You hugged him back, grateful for having something to ground you.

"Yep, and we'll call you if he attempts anything... Suicidal," Dan told you.

"Thank you, I'll make sure I have my phone on me at all times," you replied. "Anyways, I've got to go in...' You checked the time on your phone, "Twenty minutes."

"See you, Y/N," the pair said in sync.

"Bye," you replied. You headed back to your apartment. When you got in, you packed up all your books and placed them in your bag. You put your bag in the lounge, then went back into your room to put on a navy blue GMM hoodie because it was cold.

You went back to Pj's room to check on him, and you discovered he was awake.

"Hey, Peej, how are you this morning?"

"I feel like shit, I want to paint. Do we have any paint?" He asked you.

"Yes, we do, and we have a few spare canvases, let me get you stuff," you replied. You went to the art cupboard and grabbed the paint (non-toxic for obvious reasons), two medium canvases and the paint brushes. You took the stuff back to Pj's room, and placed a blue tarp under the easel. You set up one canvas on the easel, then placed the paints on a mini table which you dragged onto the tarp covering the floor around the easel. You also got a container of water and put it on the table along with the brushes.

"There we go, Pj, try not to mark the carpet," you told him.

"I won't, I promise," he replied. He trudged over to the canvas, and gave you a kiss on the cheek.

"I have to go to school, promise me that you- you won't k- kill yourself?" You said, already tearing up.

"I promise. I love you."

"I love you too, Peej," and you walked out of his bedroom, retrieved your backpack and some lunch money and then proceeded to walk to school. You would take the bus, but that would mean you have more of a chance of being beaten up. So you walk.

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