Chapter 8

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"Bye, Y/N." Pj said as you walked out the door. He was starting to get better, and he was coming out of his bedroom to say goodbye to you. He was drinking water, and starting to eat a bit more food, but you needed to work on making him eat more. He was incredibly thin and you worried that he had a false body image set in his mind.

"Bye, Pj, see you after school." You gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and scurried out of the door. You again walked to school, more afraid than ever of the bullies. Most people in the school had now realised who was your parent, and half the school bullied you because of it. They threw insults at you, which bounced off you, but once you didn't respond they hit you. Hard.

Jack was always the worst though, beating you up multiple times in a day, kicking and punching you in the gut. His gang also beat you up, adding to the pain. Some bullies punched you at least once a day, whereas others do it when they feel like it.

The other half of the school (a.k.a the fan girls and fanboys) tried to befriend you, though you shrugged off their efforts. It was evident they just wanted to meet the YouTubers, asking questions such as 'Is Phan real?'. You found it really obvious and just rolled your eyes anytime someone approached you. You didn't have any friends, no one except for Jack and his gang really noticed you.

You walked to school, playing Crossy Road on your phone, and you walked through the gates.
"Hello, lezbo." One kid, Aiden, greeted you. You turned to him, saying,

"Aiden, you need not call me by labels. Being lesbian isn't even bad, I think that lesbians treasure each others company more than anyone straight. In other words, piss off."

"Watch your words, Y/L/N. You don't want to be beaten now, do you?" You visibly flinched and he let out a chuckle. Aiden could sometimes even be worse than Jack, throwing you to the ground and slamming your shins with books. You wore jeans a lot to cover the bruises from Pj, so you wouldn't make him think he's a bad father, and Dan and Phil, to prevent them coming into the school to talk to the principle. Most of the phangirls would be screaming and you wouldn't be able to deal with it.

"Aiden, that's a stupid question to ask. Of course I don't, you nincompoop." You retorted. He narrowed his gaze at you as you strode confidently to your locker, though on the inside you felt like throwing up. No doubt he'd beat you up later.

You had double maths that morning which enlightened you, it being one of your favourite subjects. You happily zoomed through the set work and proceeded to read the book you were currently reading, 'A work in progress'.

A bell rang out mid-sentence and you hurried to finish it before leaving the classroom. Today you decided to bring your own food to avoid being caught on the oval. You hurried to the library. You greeted the librarian, Kirsten, before walking to a table near the back of the room.

The library was quite large. It was an upstairs area, with windows placed in many different areas. The table you headed towards was the furthest from the door, but in plain view of Kirsten. You sat on the chair right in the corner. Well, it was more like a sofa with out the back of it, but same difference. On either wall beside you it was ceiling-to-floor glass, which gave you a good view of the oval. You looked around for Jack and saw his gang outside the door from the hall to the oval, obviously waiting for you to pop out to get to the canteen. You smirked and decided that you should do this every day, being able to read and be safe in an environment that you loved.

You opened your lunchbox and pulled out a container of fruit. You opened your book again and picked up where you left off. You sat there the whole of recess, picking away at your fruit and reading the book, completely invested in every word, when the bell went off. You put the bookmark into the book and put the container back in your lunch box and continued to your next class, English.

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