The Slide

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Newt and Casey were one of the last ones in the group. Only Thomas and Teresa were behind them. After a few minutes, three shrieks echoed through the tunnel. It sounds like they are falling, Casey thought.

"The Slide." Casey turned around and told Thomas, "like a huge slippery-dip that shoots downwards."

"How did you know that?" Teresa asked.

"I have resolved not to ask." Newt butted in, "You seriously need to stop surprising us. It is getting annoying."

"Sorry." Casey let go of his hand.

Everyone started to go down the Slide.

"Ladies first." Newt gestured to Casey.

"Thanks," she stopped to turn back to them, "I invented this too." And down she went.

She thoroughly regretted inventing it now. It seemed like hours of twisting and turning before landing on a pile of bodies.

"I'm going to kill whoever made that." Minho commented.

"Free shot." Casey whispered.

Everyone retreated silence as they all stood and dusted themselves off. Newt, again, found himself next to Casey as everyone took in the surroundings.

"Where are we?" Minho breaking the silence, yet again. No one heard him. On the wall opposite them were black-tinged windows. Behind them, were the Creators.

"Long time, no see." Casey spat.

"You know these people?" Newt nudged her.

"Too well." She spoke, not letting her eyes off them. 

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