Meeting Teresa

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Casey moved to sit down next to Teresa. There was an unsturdy silence between them as they sat there together. It was Teresa that spoke first.

"Alright?" She asked, turning to Casey.

"Yeah, I guess. So how was it? You know, the coma. I heard that you had memories coming back to you." Casey faced her.

"Yes. It was just like lots of small clips going in fast motion. I saw you. You were with me and Thomas somewhere." Teresa looked at her hands. Almost guilty looking. Almost.

"Really? Well, I pretty much saw little snippets of stuff as well. Nothing I could grasp, unfortunately." Casey was still facing Teresa.

"So, what was I holding in my hand? I got told that I was holding a piece of paper." Teresa spoke again, taking her eyes away from her hand to the door.

"It said something like 'She's the last one. Ever'. And in big, black texta." Casey explained.

"Well, it has been a big few days for both of us. Better get to sleep. Night, Casey." Teresa, without waiting for a response, moved to rest her head on the half-broken chair. Casey did not realise that that was there before. She shuffled over to the corner and, like she did on her trip here, wedged herself in it and rested her head on the freezing stone.

Little did she know that she was going to be awoken from the sound of shredding wood.

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