Packing Rucksacks

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Casey stood in silence. She let one tear roll down her cheek before wiping away the evidence that she did. She walked out of the room to find the Glade in chaos. Pretty much everyone were running around carrying rucksacks and Frypan's kitchen chimney was smoking away. Matched the grey sky, actually. She quickly spotted Thomas and ran over to him.

"So I guess the plan worked?" Casey doubled over out of breath.

"Yep. You coming?" He seemed distracted with packing this packet that would not fit into his pack.

"Hell yeah." Casey snatched the packet and rearranged the rucksack so that it would fit in there.

"Thanks." Thomas stood their shocked at her work.

"No problem." Casey stood, hands on hips, "Need anything else?"

"Well, actually, all I was thinking about was that issue. But I can find something else." Thomas picked up his back and swung it over his shoulder.

Casey pretty much spent the rest of the time helping the other Gladers pack their stuffed bags. It surprised her how many of them just tried to stuff everything in at once, especially after all their training. For a split second, she wondered why they even came up with the Swipe. All the training went to waste.

At one point, Casey went to help Newt with his pack. As she stood beside watching, Newt said, "Look, sorry how I sort of, you know, before. It's just been so..."

"Yeah, I get it." Casey cut him off and pushed the packed bag into his chest, "Life is busy, I get that. If you only knew how hard it is for me right now."

He just stood there, so she continued.

"You don't think I trust you? I do, really. But the things I know, you probably don't want to know." Casey stopped, not believing what she was saying, "Anyway, your life is a bit busy at the moment, isn't it? Better not trouble you."

Casey walked away, feeling horrible. But strangely satisfied.

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