Trying to Explain

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"You can what?" Newt exploded. That triggered everyone else to start firing comments at Casey. She felt as if the whole Maze was collapsing down on her.

"Shut up! Shut up!" Casey held her hands and shouted. Everyone suddenly froze, bewildered by Casey loosing her composure.

"If I could tell you everything about the Maze, wouldn't I have already?" Casey stared at each one of their faces. Taking longer at Newt's.

"What if you are working for them," Newt retorted, "What if you old tell us?"

"If you knew who I was before," Casey's heart stabbed, "you would have trusted me already." She stared at him. Newt seemed shocked. But no recognition stirred. Casey was expecting nothing.

"Could you try and tell us something?" Thomas asked, calmly.

"Yeah." Minho added, "we need all the shuckin' facts we can get."

"Ok," Casey started, breathing deeply, "Well WICKED.."

She did not get far. Casey's hand, as if having a mind of its own, was strangling her neck. She fell back onto the grass from her shock. Her hand still kept attacking, threatening to suffocate. Teresa acted fast by grabbing her hand from around her neck and pulling. Casey's free hand began to also try to free the choking one.

Teresa counted, "One. Two. Three." And Casey pulled with Teresa to release the deadly hand. Air immediately filled Casey's lungs. Sweet air.

"And that would be why." Minho stated the obvious.

"Well, that is settled." Newt resolved, "We won't be able to get a bloody thing out of her without her trying to choke herself."

Casey managed to stand up and rub her neck.

"That was not me guys. It was like someone was moving my hand. Sorry."

"The people who go through the Changing that try to tell us stuff, do exactly the same thing." Thomas pointed out, "The Creators can obviously control us in some way."

"All the more reason to get to these Maps." Casey was trying desperately to get the attention off of her.

"Good that." Minho, without waiting, began to walk over to the weapons room. Everyone else followed, with Casey trailing behind. She wanted the ground to swallow her up. To get her out of embarrassment. She heard footsteps beside her, matching her slow pace.

"You okay?" Newt asked.

"Fine thanks." Casey answered quickly, refusing to look at him.

"So, you knew me before all of this happened?" He asked.

Casey stopped and finally looked. Even though there was no recognition there, his eyes showed that he wanted to know. Really wanted to know. Her heart deepened and pounded hard. But she could not say anything.

"I cannot risk getting choked again." Casey managed to speak.

"Fair enough." Newt kept walking towards the Maps.

Casey followed.

Phase 1- The MazeWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu