Chapter 13: I thought you were different

Start from the beginning

Right when I want to climb the window I hear a knock on the door. I curse under my breath thinking it might be Harry.

"What do ya want?!" I shout

"Actually it's me, Liam. Can I come in?" he giggled quietly

Well, I'll still have time to escape.

"Yeah sure" I say sitting on the bed.

"You know, Harry could never do such a thing"

"Why not?!"

"Because he loves you silly! He's your mate he could never put your life in danger" After these word my brain started to work, what if it really wasn't him...what if he really loves me..what if....

"Just think about it, he is actually your saviour" Liam said and closed the door getting out.

I don't know how much I stayed in my room but outside started to get dark and I thought that is the time to move when my stomach started to growl. It's not that I stayed in my room all this time and just thought about everything...actually i fell asleep for a couple of hours.

I opened the door and headed to the kitchen but saw no one, Did they really left me home alone?!

My stomach stated to growl again and I thought that before escaping I need to charge my energy.

I opened the fridge and saw in the middles of it a glass with ....what looked like.. tomato juice?

I brought it to my nose and it smelled different, I looked in the fridje more and saw some bottles with a red liquid. And the remembered that I'm in a house with five damn vampires. Right when I realized that the glass in my hand is full with human blood I felt someting cold on my shoulder and somebody calling my name. I got so scared that I gropped the glass down and it brocke into thousand of pieces.

"You okay?!" I looked back and saw a verry worried Harry.

"Y-yeah" I wanted to go grab someting to clean this mess but right when I wanted to make a step Harry shouted

"Don't move" I froze right away and turned my head to face him. I really looked like one of these thieves in cartoons with one leg up and hands on waist level. He brought me up and put me on the kitchen counter. He started to pick up the glass pieces.

"Let me help" I said while I slided from it.

"Go back up there, you'll cut yourself!" He said looking me dead in the eyes, but me being me and feeling guilty for making sucj a mess...

"Don't worry, when I was a kid I alway broke glass and never ever cut myself" I said and started to walk near the mess and clean it "Guess I'm luckky.." right when I said it I felt a stinging pain my foot..."ouch...guess I hurried with the words" I said laughing a little.

He looked worriedly at me and his jaw clenched "I said you!, Why can't you listen to me at least a little?!" He threw the glass he had in his hand, whashed is and put me again on the kitchen counter.  He gently took my foot in his hands and looked for the piece of glass.

"It's a small one, I don't think you'll see it" He let down my foot and headed somewhere, making some steps he turned and glared at me pointing " Don't even dare to move!"  Oh yeah, I'll even dance in this state. He looked at me one more second and I saw a small smile on his face ...ohh... don't tell me he just read my mind...that bastard..

He came back with a needle and a tweezer. When he approached the needle to my foot my eyes widened and I moved it away.

"It's not going to hurt, i promise" He said gently with his husky voice and looked me sorry in the eyes. This time I let myself trust him. I closed my eyes so I won't see anything.

"That's all" He said putting the tweezer and the needle away.

I looked at him with wide eyes "It didn't hurt"

He laughed quietly making me shiver "I said you!" He picked me up bridal style and took me to my room, actually he stopped in front of my door and right when I wanted to get on my feet and thank him he turned to the right and went to the room next door.

He  gently put me on his bed and laid over me but still keeping his body's weight on his elbow. 

"You have to be punished for not listening to me" he said seductively giving me weird sensations......

 Heyya how have you been? sorry for not updating for so long. Hope you enjoyed it, please say your opinions and what do you expect in the next chapter, the first one to commet gets a dedication  ;)



-Vote <3

-Nica :)

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