New Step Brother?

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I was more then surprised when Jacob had the same stop as me. And I was even more surprised when Jacob walked to the same street as me. Let me tell you if you thought the bus ride was awkward this was way worse.

"so... weird right?" I asked breaking the awkward silence.

"huh?" Jacob said sounding alittle startled.

"I said 'weird right?' " I repeated while rolling my eyes.

"oh, yeah" He said.

After that he seemed to keep to himself by kicking a rock or looking at a map that shows our street. Fascinating.

"so which house did you buy?" I asked breaking the second awkward silence.

"we didn't uh buy we're living now with my 'step dad'" he said while saying step dad like it was a curse word.

Memories of earlier popped into her head of him saying he was getting picked up from his step dad. Weirdly his step dad and my dad both didn't come to pick us up.

I would've asked him if his step dad would've known my dad but I could tell he and his new step dad had tension. So I kept to myself.

for a couple of blocks...

"I know how you feel" I said probably making no sense sience I just said it randomly.

"what?" he said confused.

"about your step dad" I continued.

"how do you know?" He asked while stopping. I stopped too.

"well uh my mother uh..." I trailed off closing my eyes shut. Too many memories flashed into my mind. I remember getting ice cream at the near by palor and sneak the ice cream into the muesuem without anyone noticing and laugh about how ridiculous the manakins looked. It was an inside joke because no one ever got it except me and my mom and we kind of liked it that way. Well that was 6 years ago. 1 year later my mother got into a car crash. I remember screaming when my dad told me when he picked me up from school. It felt like time was going slowly after that.

I might of not moved on but my dad sure did. He secretly dated a women who he swore was just a friend. I found out one night when I couldn't sleep that he and her were more then friends. It feels like he's replacing mom. Like he never loved her.

Tears sprang out of my eye without force. I felt something hold my hand that sent shivers up and down my body. 

I open my eyes to see Jacobs hand in mine.

"my father died too" he spoke up knowing how I felt.

by that time I wiped my eyes and put on a fake smile.

I remembered how he held my hand earlier and how shocked I was when I liked the feeling.

"c'mon lets go before my dad or your mom call the cops" I said while offering a smile.

and he took it.


What do you mean she's living here?" I asked my dad for the 20th time.

"honey you should be happy that we're engaged" my dad whinned looking embarrased.

"oh-ho happy would be the last fucking thing I would be!" I screamed while running out of the house.

I had no where to go yet I didn't care. 

I ran down the street till I reached the bus stop. I sat on the ground and took two deep breaths before bawling my eyes out.

how could he do this too me?

I thought he cared!

Yet all he cares about is himself!

didn't he at least think about me before he made that cruel decison!

didn't he know how much that would affect me?

He probably did! And didn't give a fuck!


"leave me alone" I answered automatically.

"I know it's hard" Jacob said sitting down. Thats when.I realised he was going through this too. But why wasn't he upset?

"aren't you upset?" I asked wiping a tear out of my face .

"kind of"

"kind of?" what does he mean by kind of?!

"well my dad left us when I was three" He said slowly opening up to me.

"oh i'm sorry" I said feeling bad about my angry temper before.

"it's fine, we should probably go back" he said looking up the road to our house.

"You mean where all hell broke loose?" I said loosening up.

"c'mom we're not that bad" He said loosening up too.

"okay I will come in ten minutes" I said sitting back down.

he sat down beside me. Even though we didn't talk we had an intimate connection. And we stayed that way for the rest of the day.


Hey! did you enjoy the chapter? She won't fall in love with him in the first couple of chapters so that way it makes the story longer!

It would mean the world if you

for me =)

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