Turning part 2

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                                                                                  Dylan's POV

Man she runs fast, shes like a wolf. I started to get tired so i slowed down the pace that i was running at. After a minute or two she was in the forest and i couldn't see her. I kept on running until i was almost there, i was out of breath so when i was a few feet away from the forest i started to walk. I heard crying and screaming so i walked further into the woods and saw Seraphina on the grown in pain. I didn't know what to do so i told her i was going to get help and i ran back to the school to go get the nurse. I kept on running until i got into the nurses office, i was  out of breath so all i could say was,

"Seraphina, forest, hurt...shes hurt.." I was panting but she seemed to understand that someone was hurt and she followed me. She was a fast runner, especially for someone who was wearing high heels and was probably in her late forties. When we finally reached the forest Seraphina was gone i looked around and didn't see her.

"She was right here!"  I said confused. The nurse and i started to look around until we heard a twig snap. I looked over to the direction it came from and started cautiously walking in the direction of a nearby bush. When i got to it i saw a pitch black wolf and froze, i then quickly yelled for the nurse to run.

"WOLF, RUN!" I started to run to a nearby tree and climbed it and the nurse followed me not seeming as scared as i was. The wolf came close to the tree and i snapped a stick off of the tree and threw it at the wolf. The wolf made a growling sound then ran off into the distance. When i thought it was safe to come down i did so and so did the nurse.     

I didn't know where the wolf went, nor if it hurt Seraphina but i was worried. After about five minutes up in the tree i climbed down ans so did the nurse. For some reason she didn't seem to be scared. I looked down and saw the stick that i threw at the wolf, i remember that i quickly grabbed it and threw it without thinking. I didn't want to go too much further because i didn't know if the wolf was still there or not . The nurse and i started to run back to the school. When we got there out of breath and scared, or at least i was i went to the principle's office and told him everything i saw. The principle just looked at me and raised his eyebrow, he obviously didn't believe me. When i was done telling the principle and got detention because of skipping a class i walked out of school. I needed to find Seraphina, i felt a connection with her and i don't know why, but i want to protect her.

Authors note: Hey everyone sorry if this chapter is short, this is Dylans point of view of what happened. Well keep reading and dont forget to comment and favorite and all that good stuff xoxo

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