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I was wishing that the pain was going to go away soon. I rather die then feel this, I let out one final scream then it all stopped. I stood up but I felt shorter. I looked down and saw paws, jet black furry paws.

"What the heck is happening?!" I looked around then I heard a voice.

"You are a werewolf you just turned. I am your inner voice, now run!" My inner voice? My mom told me about this, I have an inner voice inside me its my inner werewolf. This was the first time I turned and I don't know what to do. I was figuring out what  to do when I heard screaming.

"She's down here! She was running, and when I caught up to her she was on the ground shriveled up in pain!"
"Ok take me to her!" I heard Dylan's voice and a woman's i'm assuming that it's a nurse. I didn't want anyone to see me so I freaked and hid behind a bush, it probably wasn't the best hiding place and assuming my fur color which was pitch black I didn't blend in that well.

"She was right here! I don't know where she went!" I heard his voice and ducked down deeper, as much as I could.

"What's this?" I heard Dylan's voice again and then some rustling around.

"Why is there pieces of fabric on the ground, do you thing they're hers? Do you think she's ok?" His voice sounded scared and confused like he really cared, but how could he care he barely knows me?" They came closer to where I was hiding so I backed up and stepped on a stick. They looked over to the bush and Dylan started to step closer. I started to back up and was about to run until he saw me.

"THERES A WOLF! RUN!" He ran to a tree and started to climb it and so did the nurse but she didn't look scared for some reason, not as much as Dylan did.  I looked up at the tree and he threw a stick down at me, I made a growling sound than ran, far away from them, far away so I can figure out what to do. I can't go home where I live is too far and the forest doesn't run that far so I will for sure be spotted. I had to figure out how to change back into by human form, and I have to figure out how to get some clothes. But until then I will run, and run, and run.

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