23| Pure Agony [pt. 1]

Start from the beginning

Before the first wave of vampires could come within ten yards of them, she clenched her fists and they dropped to their knees. And to think that all she did was use their own weaknesses against them. Your thirst for blood is unbearable, your need to fill that void will cripple you... A few brave souls tried to push through it and ran as slow as humans towards them. In a blur of four seconds, their heads were torn from their bodies and their carcasses laid uselessly in the freezing snow.

The rest of the vampires that advanced behind the defeated first wave faltered in their step. Jasper smirked behind her. "Pretty impressive."

"Oh cowboy, that was only a sneak peek." She laughed humorlessly as the optimistic thoughts of the enemy swarmed in her mind. They had no clue what they'd gotten themselves into.

Paul could hear his own pulse in his ears and could swear on everuthinf that his heart had leapt into his throat sometime during that stunt. Where he found the peace of mind to compose himself, he didn't know, but he had a feeling Jasper had something to do with it...

In an ironic turn of events, the vampires and the shapeshifter bandes together and charged right for the common enemy. They set a precedent and looked pretty badass while doing it.

Sam Uley and Jacob singled out a particularly burly vampire, grabbed each of his arms in their large mouths, and ripped his arms from his body. The newborn's caterwauls were cut short as Sam decapitated him.

Paul and Quil Ateara were on a pretty decent killing streak, with the latter recieving a mere scratch. But their good fortune drained out as four newborns boxed them in, snarling and spitting. Quil tackled the one closest to him, leaving Paul to fend for himself with the rest. He stepped carefully because he knew one wrong move would result in a fatality.

Although she'd never admit to worrying about him when her fury towards hin was still fresh, Adele spotted his dilemma as the battle around her escalated. She raced over to her wolf incredible speed, grabbed the vampire to the far left, and decaptitated her with a quick blow. Paul greatfullg tackled the one behind him as she dodged a punch from the third. Shs grabbed his first, twisted it, and ripped his arm from his body with a screeching crunch. He writhed on the spot and lunged desparatelg at her, but he was on his knees in unbearable pain quicker than hd could say I'm screwed. Paul leapt in and ripped his entire upper torso off.

He couldnt hide the fear in his eyes quickly enough and she saw it. She witnessed his vulnerability and he was suddenly more fearful that it wouls scare her away. And there she stood as her family fought on around her, all of her anger for him ebbing away as she wondered whether he thought she was a monster or not. She only ever worried about that one other time in her life; with one other person.

She was in love with him, that there was no denying.

Somehow, he managed to break free of the emotional gaze as an enemy vampire had the idiocy to charge straight at her from behind -- idiotic becsude she had her wolf now. She saw the reflection of the newborn in his big eyes and absorbed his protective stance until the very last second when she leapt up and flipped over him. She landed gracegully where he stood before as he attacked the vampife and ripped her limb from limb. Better her than me.

The sun settled high up, like a golden coin in the hands of a soft blue sky. It must've been an hour since the fight begun -- an hour since Victoria took off for Bella and Edward.  "After this, I am done helping you. Don't dare ask anything else of me, because until you realize how selfish you're being, I'm not lifting a finger. I have my own life to live now."  She remembered what she said and she meant it...but now, as she stood in the moment, knowing that she could very well be helping Victoria bring about her brother's demise by not fighting with him, she took it all back. She had to help him one last time

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