“Get the car” Jake replied.

Someone came into my room and tied my arms and legs up, they then wrapped me in the vomit covered blanket I’d been using. I felt two people tie me up and take me through the house. I was thrown into the back of a van. The van started and drove off, we didn’t go very far before the van stopped and the doors opened, I was picked up again and then thrown onto the cold hard ground, I felt the concrete scrape the skin off the left side of my face. The van then drove off. I opened my eyes a little bit and saw Beau’s car in front of me, they’d taken my home and I was currently lying tied up on my driveway. I lay there for what felt like hours. It had been raining so the ground was all wet; it just made me really cold.

Finally a car drew up; someone got out and swore loudly,

“Luke?” Mum asked

“Mum” I desperately groaned. The front door opened and Mum shouted for Beau to come here. I heard more footsteps and a strong pair of arms lifted me up and carried me into the house.

“Jai move, I need the sofa” Mum said, I heard Jai groan and some shuffling and then I was placed on the sofa.

“Beau get me a knife please” Mum asked him, I tensed my whole body up expecting my punishment for hurting Jai, but instead Mum started to cut the rope binding my hands and ankles.

I started to feel sick and as much as I tried not to do it, I threw up all over myself and the sofa.

“Beau can you take him into the shower please he’s absolutely filthy” Mum said peeling the vomit covered blanket off me.

I was carried into the bathtub and Beau took all my filthy clothes off until I was just in my undies.

“Fuck, who did this to you Luke?” He asked, meaning the bruises, I didn’t say anything. Beau used the showerhead to wash all the dirt and sick off me.

He helped me out of the bath and I sat on the floor with a warm fluffy towel wrapped around me. Beau walked over to the door and locked it. He came and sat down next to me.

“Luke I need to ask you something and you need to be honest with me” Beau said firmly, I just sat there leaning against the wall. I had the towel under my nose and was sat breathing in the familiar scent of washing powder, it made me relax and feel better.

“Is Jake making you hurt Jai?” He asked me, this shocked me, what did he know.

“Luke I know if he is you can’t tell anyone, just tell me and I won’t tell” I sat there in silence.

“Please Luke, you’re my brother, I love you and care about you. I don’t want to see you or Jai get hurt.”

I ignored him so he just sighed and threw me some clean underwear; he turned around as I put it on. I started to feel sick again, there was no toilet in our bathroom so I shakily stood up and vomited in the sink,

“Luke sit down” Beau told me once he noticed I was starting to get dizzy, I ignored him as black spots covered my vision, I fell down hitting my head on the sink as I fell.


I slowly opened my eyes expecting to be at Jakes, but I was laying on something soft, someone was gently wiping my face and I could smell my home. My eyes focused on what was happening, Mum was using a flannel to wipe blood off my face,

“Mum, I’m sorry for what I did to Jai” She didn’t even react, she just put the flannel in the bowl of warm water she had, picked it up and left the room, closing the door behind her. I tried to get up off the sofa but my body was too stiff and sore. I was only in my undies on the sofa so I could see all the bruises covering my body.

Brothers (Jai Brooks and Luke Brooks - Janoskians)Where stories live. Discover now