Chapter 45 Nightmares

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*That night: 11:30pm *

I was running form Steve, I couldn't see him or anything, i just knew. I turned a corner, and Steve was there. He had a Gun. There was Cody lying.


"NOO!!!" I yelled. 

I sat up slightly sweating. 

It was just a dream....

I looked around at the dark room. I felt like i was being watched. I laid back down. It wasn't helping the feeling of being watched. 

Ali was STILL asleep after i shouted.  

I closed my eyes and then someone poked me. I turned my head. And saw something i never wanted to see again. 


I screamed. 

I screamed again. It was just a dream. There was no Steve around here. I think. 

Cody came in. 

"You okay Angel?"

"Yeah just a bad dream." 

( Didn't this already happen?? lol KEEP READING!) 

He sat down beside me.

"Steve was chasing me and then he killed you with a gun."  I said.

His eyes widen. 

I looked down. What is Steve's problem? Why did he want me so bad? 


This is like with Cody, expect i'm in love and don't love the other person and i have someone to protect me. 

But no mother.


"Yeah...."  I said quietly. 

He kissed my for-head. "Come on, you need to get some sleep." 

I nodded. He got up and offered me a hand. I took it. 


kay i know these are really really short, but i upload every day, and i cant think of anything at the moment, so yea VCF!!!

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