priorities II

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Weeks has passed and the whole video saga has cooled down,everything is back to normal.luckily the video was taken down before the teachers would get their hands on it and Werner had the interview and  hopefully got it.It was towards the end-of-year-exams and we had lots of work and less play time.Me and Quinton haven't been talking for a while ever since we started writing and we even shared some awkward moments and i kind feel like things should've ended the final exams came and passed by and im pretty sure i wrote very well and im sure my marks are awesome like always i never disappoint i mean passing with good marks is the only way to get out of the place you hate,school.i just cant wait to go to
Varsity i had gotten accepted to UCT and im scared and excited at the very same time but i just cant wait to get out of pretoria for good im tired of the surbabs ans ready for the city with my bestie,yes Wong is coming with me to capetown...she got accepted to many varsities even Oxford but chose to go to capetown,not because of me...she chose it because William is going there,ahh young love.

"So we are finally done with high school and have nothing to for the rest of the month...we should throw a party,im officially off my parent's hook,i want to get wild with my African princess!" Said Wong giving me the biggest hug.

"Wong we have the rest of our lives to be wild together,we are fuckin going to varsity together babe!!" We gave each other hugs,the rest of the school was much as excited as us.everyone was planning trips to get away for the whole year and me and Wong didnt have any plans so we had to slip in anyone's turf cause we cant spend our free days doing nothing.

"Ohh i should ask William what they are doing,i hope its not a boys getaway.."

"Or we can ask Thandi cause i know A is going wherever Werner is going"

" call Thands and i'll call Will" we both buried our heads in our phones and i prayed that Thandi had something cause i didnt want to face Quinton anytime soon.
"Where you at babe?,i just wanted to ask about the holiday plans...oh really...count me and Wong in...sure,yeah...bye thanks babe!"
I wss so glad to find out that she had something...she and a group of others in school were going to some girl's dad's beach house in Durban,just right for the summer.

"So..".i asked Wong after she hung up the phone

"Its a boys getaway in durban at aces uncle's place in durban"she said with a fake sad face

"Durban?...Thandi foud us a spot on a trip to Durban!" And a smile wore on her face
"What?...thats really crazy...then i'll be able to see Will?...ah God just can't cease to surprise me"

"Is that all you think about?..."

"Jah duh!!" She smiled at me.we finished early so we decided to go to the cafe down the street from school,we found Analine with werner and later Will,Ace and Quinton joined us,now i know why Wong dragged me to there cafe,not that i minded they made really good ice coffee.

"Hey guys" said A as they headed towards our table which was outside  cause the inside was full of kids from nearby schools and it was a bit hot.

"So have you guys packed up for the best trip of your lives!"said ace giving Will a high five and everyone with the same excitement.

"You bet we just glad that you guys are not whining about Annie coming along with us"said Werner kissing A on the ear as she was sitting on his lap.

"Wait...A is going with you guys and we cant come?" Wong contested

"Well you asked too late" said ace

"Thats because i didnt know that you guys had plans...huh uh we want in"she said looking at ace with a straight face.

"Wong come on we got a spot wit..."

"No Sam" she said "have you seen the aces place? Its huge and right next to the mall and the beach is just a five minutes drive." It sounds like a dream.

"What about thandi? What am i supposed to tell her?"

"Woah why are you speaking like we already agreed on you coming with us" said ace

"Oh please Ace...pretty please?" Said Wong in a sweetheart voice.

"Will talk to your girl dude" said Ace.

"Dude come on they have nowhere to go...pretty please?" Will said trying to imitate Wongs sweet voice and we all laughed,they finally let us go along with stranger hasn't said anything...if anything he was texting with someone who made him smile which made me a bit mad,i doubt he even heard what we were talking about.we decided to catch a bus and not drive since it costs more than a ticket...I've got to say im kinda glad we didnt go with Thandi because i have a feeling we're gonna have fun and frankly i can't wait to meet Durban boys cause my luck with romance this year wasn't really flattering though it gave me time to concentrate on school was on a Friday when we left and it was a beautiful one,i was in some bikerboots,a pair of loose jean shorts and a tanktop,i had my afro in a bun and i had a jacket nearby just in case.i was sitting next to some dude in the two seats section and the rest of the gang were behind me in the backseat and Quinton was also seated next to some woman since the backseat was full .

"So where are you guys headed" said the dude next to me said,he was lightskinned with a small afro and his eyes were a bit blue (think Michael erly but skinny),he had on some jean shorts and a beach tank top,some handbelts and headsets around his neck,score! i thought.

" idea,to a friends house i think its near south beach...not sure."i said with a smile.

" also headed near there"

"Cool,where you coming from?"

"From pretoria,i study at takkies,first-year student and im going back home to durban."he said with a deep rough voice.

"Oh travelling alone?"

"Nah...jah,my friends missed the bus so they are following me with the next bus...i hoped they would decide to stay there but they say they want to meet my mom,who isnt really a refreshing soul" he said it like he had his thoughts somewhere.

"Really?that bad?"

"Dude you don't know her...i tried telling them that but apparently she sounds 'nice' on the phone...shes like that Umbridge woman teacher at Hogwarts" looking at trying to see if i had figured what he is talking about.

"There one with the 'i must not tell lies' ?But she died in the end"

"Only if it could happen in real life..." long pause "...uhm i didnt catch your name" he said laughing.

"Um Sam...samkelo"
"Im xhosa?"

" mom is from a half xhosa family "

We spoke the whole trip i even gave him my numbers just incase we want to meet in the future,he seem nice i wouldn't mind meeting him again.

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