girl gone wild

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I woke up the next morning with a very very bad hangover,i looked around and i could recognise everything in the was my bedroom,how?when? Dont get me wrong im glad im at my house but the last thing i remember at the party is smoking the biggest blunt in a group of some hippie kids from our school and thandi fighting with some girl for a biscuit im not sure if they know what they are fighting for cause we were all so lost.i was still in my clothes and shoes,who the fuck didnt take my shoes off so i tookthen off and exited my room towards the passage  as i reached the stairs i heard a male voice,a familiar one...please dont let it be my dad,he would be so disappointed in me i mean imagine having to pick up your drunk daughter so i go down slowly only to find my cousin Morena and Thandi,Thandis house is not far from ours so i guess Thandi decided to sleep here instead of waking up her parents


"Ah hey...look whos up!"

"You spent the night here?"

"Jah,WE couldnt let you sleep alone,you were so wasted so WE decided to crush on the couch,"

"Oh okay" i said heading to the fridge to get some cold water "hey wheres Wong?"

"Wong?...uhm i didnt see her at the party and i looked for her,im sure she went home with jack"

"No. She told her parents she is coming back on monday! Wheres my phone?"

"Here!" Said Thandi handing me the phone

"Shit,no answer" i tried it again still no answer so i sent a text and left a voicemail.

"Annaline doesnt aswer too" i said as i put the phone on the counter.

"Try jack maybe he knows"

"No,what if he doesnt know then tells her parents then im gonna be in deepshit....fuck !!" I said when i remembered Will,ofcorse bloody hangover.

"Thands do you have aces number or Werner cause i know you dont have Wills number"

"Nah,girl stop panicking Wong will be here any minute i mean its still 12 oclock she'll be here by two tops if shes not,then you can panic ,okay?" She said that getting back to eating my cousins face,see they have what we call an agreement since Morena doesnt go to our school they can date whoevr they want as long as they dont know the person they are dating so common friends or acquaintances are off limits,and with their sexual appetide that is the best decision.

"I am not panicking just know we do have an extra room upstairs it looks like you can use it" i said with a disgusted face and they jumped to the offer as soon as i finished talking.

I sat down with my big cereal bowl with all types of cereals in there,changed the chanel to cartoon network,i had received a text from my dad saying that he will be back on tuesday shame poor man has been love struck like a teen,this is the only seriious relationship he has been in since my mom left him and i like this new "leave your daughter home alone for a week" dad though i miss him for my mom,i dont know whats going on in her life and frankly dont care but thats a story for another day.

Wong comes budging in the door with a big smile on her face "Good morning my sweets"

"Uhm its almost two...and why are you so happy"i said standing up from the couch.

"Then good afternoon,I will tell you,just let me go shower first i smell like a freakin good time and thats not good...ahhh love" then floated her excited self up stairs

"Okay that was...*sigh* " i said to my self as i turned around to go back to my lazy couch i find quintin standing on the doorway.

"Uhm...hi" i said with a confused face

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