Chapter 18: Fear

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[Cyan's POV]

I woke up to feel my head numb yet sore and in pain.

I look around, not knowing where i am and slowly begin to sit up.

"Seeya...." a small little familiar voice whimper.

I turned, soon realizing I was in a dark basement, some sunlight peeping through a small boarded window, chains hanging everywhere by some empty or boxed shelves, and then noticed a dog crate nearby where i sat and saw it was holding....

"Copeland!!" i shout/whispered.

The poor little baby looked at me with her big brown eyes, eyes full of fear, tears streaming down her rosy cheeks. She was reaching out to me form behind the tears.

I got up, wobbling a bit, and ran to the crate to open it. Thankfully it wasn't locked.

I pryed the crate open and pulled the frightened baby into my arms as she whimpered and sobbed into my shoulder and hugged me like she never wanted to let go.

Thankfully, she had no injuries at all.

I cooed at her quietly and tried to comfort her.

"Seeyaa...." she whimpered up at me .

"Its okay, sweetie, i'm here," i said.

I then feel a crack in my back pocket.

I look and see it was... my phone!!

A huge crack went across it, but it still worked. And it had half a battery full.

I can call the guys. 

All of a sudden, i hear footsteps above me. The kidnappers were here.

They could walk in when i'm calling if i dial Kellin or Katelynne or Jack or anyone.

I place the phone on the ground and take careful aim as i slide the phone all the way across the room and letting it land under a shelf, well hidden. When they leave, i'll make a quick call.

Right now, my only concern was Copeland. I had to keep her as safe as i can. I couldn't let them hurt her. Kellin and Katelynne wouldn't be able to live with themselves, less me. Better me than her. 

"Don't worry, Copeland, we're getting out of here soon, and you'll be back with mommy and daddy," i said to her in a whisper.

All of a sudden, the basement door slamemd open, making me and Copeland jump.

Three men came down the stairs.

"Cyan Winters, good to see you again, darling," the one in the middle sneered.

I immediatly froze when i saw his face, memories of that horrible day flooding my thoughts.

"No... Not you..." i said, terrified as i clutched to Copeland.

"You shouldn't have left your daddy, Cyan," Carter sneered.

"What do you want from us??" i asked.

"Your mom left your dad, Cyan," he said. "So... he wants revenge on you for ratting him out."

I gulped. "They are not my parents!!" i snapepd with all the strength in my voice.

This can't be happening.

Carter ignored my response.

"But... he did say we can have some fun ourselves. And as for the little piece of shit your holding, well, she's a bonus," he smirked.

I held protectively to Copeland, my arms tightening around her.

"You sick bastards.... You wouldn't dare!!" i shouted.

"Its you or the little runt, Cyan," Carter snapped as i got to my feet, inching away until my back hit the wall.

I was quiet as i held to Copeland, her face burried into my shoulder as she clutched to my jacket for dear life.

How dare they think of takign away a child's innocence!! Especially one as young as Copeland!! She isn't even a year old!!!!

I can't let them. I would kill myself if they corrupt Copeland.

"Baby it is!!" a man yelled and before i know it, Copeland is snatched from my arms by one of them.

Copeland's screams begin to echo in the basement as they begin to walk out the room.

"NO PLEASE DON'T!!!! I'LL DO IT!!!! PLEASE!!!!!" I cried, tears streaming down my face.

They all stopped as they faced me.

"Please. She's only a baby. I'll do whatever you say, but please... don't hurt her. She's only a baby," i said.

I had to do whatever they said in order to keep Copeland safe and pure. For Kellin and Katelynne. 

Carter smirked as the guy holding Copeland put her back in the dog cage. Carter whispered something to the other man who smiled creepily at me before heading upstairs.

It was then after the cage was locked that Carter stormed up to me and slapping me across the face and pushing me to the ground, a cry escaping my lips.

I then feel him take a fistful of my hair and start dragging me out of the basement up the stairs.

I screamed as the pain in my scalp got worse and worse as we exited the basement.

This is like a nightmare coming to life.

[Kellin's POV]

The police couldn't do anything but a 20 mile search party. 

Katelynne was having a breakdown and i was half way to having one, too.

My girlfriend and my daughter were kidnapped who knows why. I kept praying both Cyan and Copeland were okay and unharmed.

After we answered any questions we can, the police left that night.

We were up all night waiting for any news of the search while i tried calming Katelynne down.

I downed 5 cups of expresso coffee in 2 hours just to stay awake and felt like my heart was literally going to explode. I don't know why i drank so much, but i was as nervous as hell. My hands were shaking as i reached for my sixth cup of coffee but i stopped myself.

"Kellin, here. You need to relax or you'll have a heart attack," Jack said, handing me some water.

I thanked him as i sipped some and then the doorbell rang.

I dropped hte cup of water and darted for the door, hoping Cyan and Copeland were there, or the police with any news. I was wrong.

When i opened the door, standing there, was Cyan's adopted mother.

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