
After a week of running straight to Herlun. I had to say Jordan really pushed herself on this run, I made sure to feed her well though. When we finally made it to the capital I think jordan was dead. At least a little bit considering how there were bags under her eyes and she looked a bit skinnier then when I first met her. She also didn't look happy at all looking at the capital. She glared at it as we walked out of the thick forest onto the main road.

"You know I was starting to think that look was only for me. Now I don't feel special" I spoke sarcastically with a smirk. She turned her glare back to me now. "Even you are better to look at then this place" she growled. "Oh i'm flattered" I said winking at her. Her face blushed red instantly. "That- that's not what I meant" she stuttered out looking away and at the ground. I laughed at her reaction but was quickly silenced when I noticed the two guards on there way to greet us.

"Princess Jordan?" One of the guards spoke before they both dropped to one knee. Well it seems that the kingdom recognized her as a women. Loving the support over here. Maybe I was wrong about this empire. "I need to meet with my father at once gordon valley was lost" she said and the guards stood back up wide eyed. "Right away my lady" one said and began to escort us to the gate.

I stayed silent as I examined the city. The walls were bigger than I originally thought. Definitely would hold off the horde for a while at least if it comes this way. Like any city though this one wasn't an exception to the poverty in the streets. Homeless urchins all around asking for coin. I noticed some shanks on these dirty kids. I was quickly guarding my own coin purse in such a place.

We soon headed up a hill to the richer part of the city by the giant palace. "Home sweet palace hu?" I said quietly to Jordan but she glared at me. I smirked back at her. I was getting used to this glare, she would have to try something else. "Just remember I was the one who tried mass genocide on your empire" I told her as if to comfort her for her own decisions. "How can I forget" she growled back. I huffed and followed her and the guard up to the palace.


We were walking into the throne room, heavy guards lined the walkway to the throne. The red carpet looked like new, I wonder if they did this all for me? On the other hand there was a man on a golden throne at the end with a golden crown on his head. Dressed in red robes with all sorts of jewels in them. Bit of a over kill, my mother who was a queen had a Stone throne and wore a silk dress most of the time. This guy was just flaunting his wealth at everyone who came in. He did have similarities to Jordan though the dark brown eyes, the strong jaw line.

On his right side was what I was guessing was the wife. She had blond hair and dressed in a overly big red dress with a purple cloak on over it. She also had brown eyes but were a lot lighter than Jordans.

"Father, the battle was lost. Everyone is dead even General Marrow. We need to seek aid if we are to face this horde" she said as we reached the respectable distance from the throne. I stood at her side choiceing now that silence would fit me best. "Then why are you here?" The bitch of a mother ask which got my eyebrow to raise at her. Here I thought my mother was a bitch, this was a new level.

I cleared my throat getting her attention. "I had to drag her out of that massacre. If it wasn't for me yelling at her she would be dead" I said hoping to give Jordan a break. The women just scuffed "if he wanted redemption from this he should have died on the field" she spat back. I stepped forward ready to bitch slap her some sense but the last set of guards at then end stood in my way, getting me to back down. "Who are you to speak of my son's pride child eater?" She now directed some of that anger at me. Child eater was a new one though, so a ten out of ten for creativity. If I wasn't so weak I would boil her blood and show her how creative I can be with blood as my ink.

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