Chapter Twenty: Drew's Train of Thoughts

Start from the beginning

Seeing her pout immediately made me give in.

"Okay, okay." I sighed in defeat as I gave in to her idea of cheering me up. "I'll only have a small-"

"Here!" She cut me off by holding up a large piece of cookie in front of me.

The smell of honey intensified that I irked. My stomach immediately churned in an unpleasant way. The size of that thing must be super duper extra large. It was as huge as my hand stretched open!

"I can't possibly finish this!" I exclaimed. "I'll just take a bite, a small bite."

"Just a small bite?!" She answered incredulously. "That's too small to make someone happy! Especially your case!" She wailed her hands.

"B-but, I told you already I'm not-"

I wasn't able to articulate any kind of word for a pastry product I wasn't a big fan of was already working its way down my esophagus.

"So are you all cheered up now?" She asked, grinning like a toddler. "I told you it would cheer you up."

"Ack." I gagged and gasped for air for a second. "You're horrible!"

And she just continued chuckling.

She is indeed horrible.

"So are you all cheered up now?" She asked again and gently stopped laughing.

"Yes, all thanks to you." I answered sarcastically when I was able to compose myself from that near-death experience. "Please don't do that again." I playfully poked her forehead.

"Thank goodness." I heard her mutter before she silently hugged me and dug her face on my chest. "Now it's your turn to cheer me up."

The turn of events was so sudden that I almost forgot how to blink and breathe.

My turn to cheer her up? What does she mean by that?

Then I felt warm tears soak my shirt.

"Maybelle?" I asked, finally embracing her. "Are you okay?"

"I was sad because grandpa Carlos died." She then started wailing in my arms. "And I became even more sad because you stopped coming out of your room." She hiccuped. "And now you are leaving tomorrow!"

I never saw her cry this hard before that it stunned me. My dark and gloomy room resounded with her wailing. She embraced me so hard that I could feel her raspy voice vibrate on my chest.

"I'm sorry I was forceful. I'm sorry I lied." She continued bawling and clawed my back like she has never cried before. I felt her tears stream down like a river. "But at least I cheered you up right? Right?"

"Now it's your turn."

I looked up at the dark ceiling and watched how my bed room glow in the dark stars have already faded their glow. I breathed  in a deep breath before I laid my head on her head. I rubbed the small of her back as my other hand ran through her short chestnut hair. Her hair was so smooth and glossy that my fingers slipped immediately pass through them as if they were oiled. Even though it was faint, even though it was quite dark, I could still barely see my own sad and remorseful reflection in the mirror behind her.

I realized a lot of things, a lot of selfish things. Grandfather's death didn't just make me sad. It made everyone sad, Maybelle was no exception of course. And while I was getting sad on my own, enclosing myself in my room for two days, I left her all alone. And now we are leaving back to LaRousse for the burial tomorrow and she and her family won't be able to come with us because of financial problems.

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