Tell me the truth

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I slam my fist on my desk out of frustration. 'Damn it Ross!' I think as I wince at my throbbing head. I couldn't do this today... There was a thunderstorm and the house was pretty cold. And I know Ross lost his snuggle a few hours ago so he'd come to me since I was the warmest in the office.

"MAAAAXXXX!!" Ross yelled as he came in And tackled me to the floor.

"Ow! ROSS!!" I said sitting up and looking at him with an angry expression.

"Sorry... But I'm scared..." Then it clicked. Ross was scared of thunderstorms.

"Of?" I pretended.

"The thunder!" He clung onto my shirt tighter and jumped into my lap.

"Awe narwhal, don't be scared... Does this mean you forgive me?" I say as I look at his terrified face.

"No. You have to tell me the truth." In an instant I stand up, dropping Ross on the floor as I walk out of my own room and out into the rain outside. I could hear a faint "Ow." Come From my room as I looked back. I stood at the balcony and just stared out Ito the rain. Everything looked so peaceful.

"Fucking Ross... After all I've done..." I mumbled to myself as I rest my arms on the railing. 

"M-max..." Ross said nervously.
"What?" My voice filled with irritation.
"Im sorry... I do forgive you... And I miss you too..."
"Ross don't get me wrong I do miss you. Bu-" Ross turned me around and kissed me. It took me a second to process what was happening but I eventually missed back. Oh how I missed those soft lips of his.

Mithross Book 2    #Wattys2016Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon