Chapter 8

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"Ashleys dating someone" Nickie all of a sudden yelled.

I could feel Jacobs grip on me tighten as he looked at me. "Is this true?" He asked and I could tell he was mad, hurt, and maybe a little jealous.

"No. I went on a date with someone" I said and started to back out of his grip but that only caused it to tighten pulling me into him.

"No you said yes to another date" Nickie said and pointed at me. Sarah hit the back of her head.

"Shut up Nickie you know nothing, whore" I said looking at her. Why the hell is she doing this?

"Bite me bitch" Nickie yelled at me and I stepped out of his grip and started for her till strong arms wrapped around my waist pulling me back. Sarah grabbed Nickies arm and dragged her somewhere. Proubly the car.

"Shh Ashley its okay." Jacob soothed in my ear and kept me firmly against his chest.

"I hate her so much sometimes" I said shaking my head. I have anger that I tend to not let out but when someone tells me to do something and im mad I will.

"Its okay babe. You got this. When's the last time you danced?" He asked.

He knew me better then I knew myself. I totally forgot about dancing. Its dumb but when I dance all the anger is progressed through that dance.

"A year" I mumbled.

He let go of me and took my hand. "Me and you are going to dance okay?" He said and started to pull me to the exit. Wait he stopped.

"I'm an idiot" He laughed and jogged back grabbing his bag off the floor before walking back and we both laughed.

"Come on" I said and lead him to the car but Sarah and Nickie weren't there.

I got my phone out and texted Sarah 'Where are you? I want to go'

**Sarahs P.O.V**

"Bite me bitch" Nickie said and I quickly grabbed her hand dragging her randomly through the airport.

I know Ash better then Nickie does. She should know not to tempt her. We ended up in a gift shop where I made Nickie sit down. I sat next to her.

What the fuck is wrong with Nickie? I hate it when it gets like this but in twenty minutes it will be back to rainbows and butterflies. Haha butterflies. I use to think they made butter when I was little.

Wait Sarah go back to the topic. "What was that?" I asked Nickie calmly as she sat there with her arms crossed.

"I don't like Ashley playing games with guys" She mumbled.

"She doesn't play games! She has horrible time with boys because of what Alex did" I said shaking my head. "She has trust issues and you know what? With the way they look at eachother they love eachother. She won't admit it but she does."

"What happened with Alex? She never told me. She doesn't tell me anything all she says is he broke her heart"

I sighed "I don't think she has healed from it" I mumbled.

"From what?" She asked.

"Alex almost rapped her" I whispered.

"WHAT!!" She yelled. "Nononononono" She yelled confused "He is so sweet no" She said and was shaking her head.

"Do you remember the night Dimond... walked in on something and saved someone?" I asked stopping at her name. She was so sweet. I miss her so much. No stop this isn't a time for tears, I told myself.

She nodded. "Yeah she would never talk about it or tell us" Nickie said and nodded. Then it clicked.

"Oh my god" She put her head in her hands and bent down.

"What happened was..."


I looked at Dimond. "Where did Ashley go?" I yelled over the music.

We were at yet another party that Ashley dragged us too. I was wearing normal skinny jeans and a plain blue shirt. I looked at Dimond who was wearing a tank top and shorts.

"I don't know I lost her" She said and shrugged.

"I have a bad feeling let's find her" I said worriedly. It sounds stupid but me and Ash have a weird connection where we can tell when something isn't right with each other.

She nodded and we split up. I checked the rooms on the bottom floor while Dimond went upstairs.

**Dimonds P.O.V**

I knocked on a door and there was no answer so I opened it. Bad mistake. There was a couple in the middle of doing it and they didnt even notice me. EWWIE

I quickly slammed the door and went to the next room where I heard. "Stop. Don't. No. Please" It sounded like Ashley.

As I got closer to the door I heard it. "Alex fucking stop your drunk"

I quickly opened the door to see Alex on top of Ashley drunk out of his mind.

Ashley looked like she had been crying and her makeup smeared. She was wearing shorts and a crop top.

"Dimond get him the fuck off of me" She yelled and I quickly pushed him off.

She got up and started to cry again. "Were fucking over you peice of shit" She yelled and he stumbled to get up.

"No Ashley please" He slered. I grabbed her hand and dragged her into the bathroom.

I grabbed a wet washcloth and rubbed her makeup off.

"Don't say anything Dimond." she said and looked at me. "I don't want to ruin his reputation" She mumbled.

"I won't. I promise" I said and she pulled me into a hug and cried on my shoulder.

"Thank you so much" she mumbled.


**Sarahs P.O.V**

"Dimond came back down and had Ash by her side. I could tell she has been crying and she wouldn't tell me what was wrong. Alex tried to get to her since then. He truely didn't mean to push her he was drunk. The only reason I know this was from Alex and Dimond telling me" I mumbled.

Nickie nodded. "Then she got into a hole bunch of relationships and she didn't know how far to go so she ended them. Then she met Jacob who one their first date told her that he wouldn't do anything she didn't want. They didn't even kiss till there 5th date. Eventually she told him and ever since then you can tell they love each other." I smiled at the last part only to look at Nickie and she looked guilty.

I got a text from Ashley and texted back 

'Kay we will take a cab we are lost in the airport :p see ya later boo'

Then Nickie looked at me. "Me and Jacob had sex.. We were both drunk but it happened and I don't know.." She looked down and started to cry.

I quickly pulled her into a hug. "Its okay. Shh its okay." I soothed and rubbed her back.


IDK I kinda got bored so that happened ^^^^

Okay so comment vote whatever


Brother With Benifits (A One Direction completed and edited fanfic)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ