Chapter 3

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**Ashleys P.O.V**

"Come on Sarah. Have fun. Live a little" I said as I laughed looking around. We were on an empty rode at probably one in the morning.

"Ashley. That's enough" My friend, Nickie said.

"You have had enough to drink"Sarah butted in. She was my best friend.

There were three of us. Nickie, Sarah, Dimond, and me have been friends since 8th grade. Nickie; the goth, Sarah; the tomboy who dresses like a girliegirl, Dimond; The just plan girlie girl, and me; The trouble maker.

Dimond is the quiet one. She doesn't really do much and we all hate that about her.

I looked over my clothes. I had blue skinny jeans and a purple shirt on, Nickie had black jeans and a black zombie top on, Sarah had on black strechy pants on and a black flowery top with ruffles, and Dimond was wearing a pink skirt and a pink blouse.

I pull back my beer in my hands. "No I'm fine" I laugh and take another drink.

Nickie and Sarah both sigh and look at each other. Sarah grabs me and holds me while Nickie takes my drink. As soon as Sarah let go she ducked down and covered her head and I hit Nickie hard in the shoulder.

"FUCKING DRUNK BITCH!!" Nickie yelled at me and I covered my mouth.

"I am so sorry Nickie" I said quickly and walked to her and hugged her. "I didn't mean too"

"Ash. This is the last time we are coming to a party with you." Sarah said. "Every time we do we end up with drunk Ashley and end up getting lost" She crosses her arms.

Then out of nowhere it started pouring rain.

"Shut up Sarah. I'm the highlight of your boring life and you know it" I rolled my eyes. "If it wasn't for me you wouldn't know how to have fun"

"If it wasn't for YOU. I wouldn't have a criminal record. If it wasn't for YOU I wouldn't have had to bail you out of jail. If it wasn't for YOU Nickie wouldn't be grounded because you wanted to have fun." Sarah yelled at me.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP" Nickie yelled. "Sarah she's right. If it wasn't for her slutty ass you wouldn't know how to have fun If it wasn't for her you wouldn't be dating Baylie so shut up. And Ashley. You always fucking get us in trouble and we are sick of it!! Do you remember when you use to just have fun with a little risk but now you go all the fucking way with it" Nickie yelled at me.

We were standing in a square in the street. I was next to Dimond, us being in the middle and Nickie and.Sarah near the sidewalk.

"I'm sorry okay. I'm sorry I'm such a fucking burden to hang around" I yelled then looked at the sky. We were all soaking wet and you could barely see 10 feet in front of you with how fast the rain was falling.

"we should probably get out of the stree-" Dimond started to say before a car horn cut her off. Then we all heard a crashing sound.

The black car hit me and Dimond. I bent my back forward as the tip of the car hit me and caused me to hit the ground hard. I felt like my heart fell out of my chest. I looked to my left and saw Dimond with her eyes closed. I tried to reach out to her but my body wouldn't move.

I could hear Nickie and Sarah screaming as they rushed towards me. "Stay with..-"

Then I was shaken awake by my dad. "Ashley Ashley" He said waking me up. Not a second later Anne and Harry at my door concern on their faces. Why are they concerned. I just met them.

"D-dad" I stuttered. I had tears streaming down my face from my dream. No... Memory.

"Okay please get out I have to talk to my daughter" My dad said understanding. They nodded and left. Right away he pulled me into a hug. "Its not your fault" He whispered

Brother With Benifits (A One Direction completed and edited fanfic)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن