Chapter 19: Outside The Hospital

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Elizabeth's pov:

"Let's go home." James says, placing his hand in mine.

I smile and grab my coat in my other hand. We pass by the doctors who saved my life and thank them one last time before heading out the front doors.

"Wait here, I'll go get the car."

I nod my head and take a seat on one of the benches.

I look up at the sunny clouds and close my eyes.

It's been 5 days since I was admitted into the hospital.

5 days since I almost died.

5 days since Zack and I started dating.

So much can happen in just 5 days, I think to myself.

I open my eyes and take in my surroundings.

There's a woman, sobbing in the corner as her husband tries to calm her down.

A little boy sitting in silence on the bench across from mine, staring off into the distance.

A teen boy, punching the wall screaming a girl's name, saying how stupid she was for doing something. He breaks down in tears after cursing her name and I can't help but feel sorry for all these people.

I'd know this pain anywhere;

The woman and man lost their daughter today.

Their daughter hung herself this morning in her closet after years of bullying that her parents left unnoticed, thinking it was nothing. Teens will be teens.

The little boy lost his older sister. The person he looked up to, gone.

His sister committed suicide by shooting a bullet through her skull. She left a goodbye note, saying how sorry she was for doing this, but she just couldn't fight it any longer. He'll keep that note forever.

The teen boy lost his best friend, who he probably had secret feelings for and now he's wondering if he could have prevented this from happening if he had just told her how he felt.

His best friend sliced her own throat because she thought no one loved her. And he can't help but think what if? What if he admitted his feelings.. would things be different? Would she still be here?

I take a deep breath and thank the lord that I didn't succeed in killing myself.

That could've been my brother.
That could've been Zack.

I could've done that to them.

I was lucky.
I found a reason to stay.

James's horn pulls me out of deep thought and I pick up my coat, walking over to the passenger side door.

"You okay?" He asks as I take my seat.

I hear the worry in his voice. The worry that will never go away now. He'll forever remember the day he almost lost his baby sister, the day he learned how depressed she truly was.

I wish I could take that pain away from him. It's not his fault, I'm not his burden. I wish I could tell him that everything would be alright from now on.

But the truth is, I'm a flight risk.

Any day I could snap and go over the edge.

I pray I won't, but I can never be sure.

A person's depression doesn't just go away over night, it takes time. Time that I hope I'll have.

But I'm slowly healing.

And I believe that with James and Zack by my side, anything's possible.

"I'm okay." I smile and this time, it's not a fake one.

He nods his head and starts driving out of the parking lot.

Piece by piece, day by day, I will survive.


A/N: sorry this is kinda short, it's sorta just a filler chapter bc i haven't updated in AGESSS. but i promise i'll try to update regularly from now on((:

Hope you enjoyed! Love you all!!❤️❤️

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