Chapter 10: Hospital

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Zack's pov:

We were driving by the woods when we heard the scream.

It was faint, but we heard it.

I thought it was probably just nothing, some stupid teenagers having fun, but then we heard it again.

Except this time it wasn't just a scream, it was a cry for help.

I jumped out of the car and bolted through the woods in the direction it came from.

I become out of breath, but I don't stop running.

I hear James chasing after me, telling me to stop, but I don't listen.

I reach an opening with a huge building and that's pretty much it. I see a man come out of the building and his eyes find me. I just stare him down and he looks at something, then he takes off into the woods.

What spooked him?

But then I saw her, and I knew.


She was on the ground, clutching her stomach.

I run over to her, but her eyes are shut and I think she's passed out.

I look down and see the blood.

Oh my god. What happened?

"It'll be okay, it'll be okay." I tell her, even though she can't hear me.

James comes up behind me and his jaw drops.

"My sister!!" He cries, falling to the ground.

"Call 911!!" I shout.

He pulls out his phone and dials the number.

He's crying and his voice trembles but he manages to explain the situation to the operator.

Tears fall down my face and I grab Lizzie's hand, squeezing it tight.

Soon enough, we hear the ambulance coming and we stand up.

I pick Lizzie up in my arms and cry harder.

The EMTs take her from me, hooking her up to machines in the back of the ambulance. Then he tells James and I to get in.

The drive to the hospital goes by quick.

James won't stop crying into his hands repeating, "Please, please, not her too."

I wonder what he means.

Lizzie is rushed through emergency and we're told to wait until she's stable.

I can't wait though. I pace the floors back and forth, praying that she'll be okay.

"Zack, sit down. You look crazy." James says.

"I'm fine." I state.

We stay in silence until about a half hour later, the doctor comes out.

"Can we see her??" I ask.

"Sure. But I warn you, it's not a pretty sight. She's unconscious and we had to revive her."

"You mean, she died?" The words escape my mouth.

"Yes. She was legally dead for 3 minutes, but we saved her. Not to worry, she should be perfectly fine. Just pray that she wakes up." He gives us a small smile and walks away.

I run to her room.

I shiver at what I see.

Lizzie looks so.. lifeless.

I feel the tears coming again and I don't stop them.

I sit by her bedside and take her hand.

James cries and he takes her other hand.

We stare at her for a second, then he speaks.

"Just tell me that my little sister is going to live." He says, his voice breaking.

"She is." I say through sobs. "She has to." 

I place my lips on her cheek and whisper "I love you." into her ear.

I don't know why I said that, the words just came out. But I mean it. I love her.

I'm asleep minutes later, while still holding onto her hand.


A/N: idrk about this chapter but it's an update so..

I worked hard to get this up for you guys bc I'm not really feeling great today so don't judge, I tried😌

Love you guys❤️

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