Chapter 13: Jail Visit

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Elizabeth's pov:

I wake up around 11.

Last night, I had a long talk with James about whether or not I should go and see Blake.

At first, I didn't want to go, but James pointed out all the good that could come from it. I can get closure, I can learn why he stabbed me, and.. I can get him out of my head.

And he needs to stop haunting my dreams, because with everything else that there is for me to worry about (Zack, my cutting, James, Neil and Caroline) this is all just way too much.

With everything that's happened in the past couple of days, I haven't even really thought about Zack. Come to think of it now, the last time that I saw him was when we dropped him off at his house after coming home from the hospital. And the last thing we talked about was Zack saying that he'd never leave me alone and that I can take my time with telling him about my past.

I never got to respond to him.
I never got to tell him thank you.
I never got to tell him how I felt.

I climb out of my bed and take a quick shower before pulling on the fanciest clothes I have. I want to look good when I go to jail, right?

I'm wearing a simple blue dress with my boots and a few touches of jewelry. I dab on some blush and mascara then I'm all set.

I walk downstairs and James is waiting for me in the kitchen with his car keys in hand.

"Ready?" He asks me with sincere eyes.

I nod my head. I can't bring myself to speak.

He opens the door and lets me out first. I hop in the car and he follows behind me. The engine turns on and... off we go.

The drive to the jail doesn't take too long. Once we arrive, I take a deep breath and open up my side door. I slip out and then slam it shut. James comes over and takes my hand in his. We slowly walk up the steps and into the building. A guard meets us at the front and James tells him who we are and why we're here. The guard nods his head and lets us through.

"It's okay Lizzie, I'm here." James reassures me.

He must've felt my hand shake.

One of the officers from yesterday at my house leads us into a room. He tells us to wait, and that Blake will be in shortly.

I sit in silence. James still hasn't let go of my hand and I'm grateful for that.

The door behind us creeks open.
Footsteps inch closer.
I can't look.
I shut my eyes tight.

I hear a man sit down across the table from us. I hear the rattles of chains, probably wrapped around him.
I smell a strong scent of body odor.
Has this guy showered recently?
I squeeze James's hand tighter and slowly open up my eyes.

Sitting in front of me is none other than my stabber.


"Thank you for coming to see me." He speaks.

"Why'd you want to see me?" The words come surprisingly easy to me.

"I wanted to apologize. I never should've stabbed you, and I'm sorry. They put me on medication and I can see clearly now." He pauses. "I can't believe I hurt a girl as small and as fragile as you." His voice breaks a little at the end.

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