Chapter 4: The Pool

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Elizabeth's pov:

Zack found the knife. That was close. After he left I sat on my bed and read for a little while. Reading is one way that I can escape from the sadness of my reality. It helps me forget all the reasons why I want to kill myself. I live in the book, not the real world.

It's almost 1am now and I'm just lying in bed, staring up at the ceiling. My brother and I are gonna go down to the public pool tomorrow. I'm kinda nervous because of my new scars from cutting today. I figure I'll put bandaids on the bad ones, and waterproof makeup on the others to cover them up. I can pretend that I cut myself while shaving or something, James will believe anything.

I close my eyes and try to fall asleep, which isn't easy to do when all you can think about is a boy.

Zack, not Neil. I don't know why but there's something about that kid that makes me want more.

I'd get hurt if I ever went after him though. So whenever I catch myself falling for him, I add another scar to the hundreds that I already have.


Zack's pov:

I wake up around 10 and head downstairs for breakfast. My mom made waffles and bacon, my favorite.

"So what do you think about going to the public pool today? It's really hot and I could for a swim." My mom asks me.

"Sure, why not."

"Ok we leave in 15."

I stuff the rest of my breakfast down my mouth and run upstairs to change into my bathing suit.

I put on my trunks, a t-shirt, my nike slides, and then I grab a towel and my phone and run downstairs.

"Ready!" I yell to my mom.

"Alright Zack, go wait in the car! Your mother is still changing." My dad yells.

I walk outside and the door to my mom's SUV is locked. Great. I sit on the bench on our porch and wait for my parents.

Across the street, Lizzie comes out of her house with just a bathing suit on. She gets the mail then heads to go back inside.

"Liz!" I yell, wanting to talk to her.

She turns her head and sees me. I run across the street to her.

"Hey Zack." She says quietly.

"You going swimming?" I ask, looking her up and down.

"No I just put on my bathing suit because I wanted to."

I can't tell if she's being sarcastic or not. Then she hits me over the head with the mail in her hand.

"Think Zack! Of course I'm going swimming."

I expect her to laugh or something, but she doesn't. Come to think of it, she hasn't laughed yet since I met her.

"Well I guess I'll see you at the pool then. My parents and are I going too." I say.

"Fun." Is all she says then my dad yells for me across the street.

"Come on son! Let's go!"

"Bye Lizzie." I say, running back to my house.

I hop in the car and as we pull out of the driveway, I watch Lizzie.

She's just standing there, where I left her, staring at the mail. I see her wipe her face and I think she's crying. What? Why?

I guess I'll never know because we drive around the corner and I can't see her anymore.

We arrive at the pool about 10 minutes later. I get out of the car and run through the gate surrounding the pool. I lay down on one of the chairs and kick off my shoes. My parents follow behind me, sitting on either side of me, like they're protecting me or something. The pool isn't too full. A couple of kids, some my age, some older, some younger. And a few adults too.

I throw off my shirt and walk towards the water.

"Nice 6 pack!" A girl yells at me.

"Babe. I hate it when you do that." A boy says to the girl.

"Uh thanks?" I say, stepping into the water. I swim into the deep end and go under. As I come up, I see Lizzie has arrived with her brother. They sit a few chairs down from my parents and Lizzie stares at the water like she's afraid to go in.

I climb out of the pool and walk over to her. "Hey, you gonna go in? The water's great." I say.

"Yeah, I will, just not right now."

"C'mon, don't be a party pooper." I say, taking her hand and pulling her up.

"Zack. Stop." She laughs a little. Yes, I made her laugh!


Elizabeth's pov:

Zack is pulling me closer and closer to the water and I can't help but smile at him. He's just so silly and sweet all at once.

"Zack, let go of my hand." I tell him, but I don't actually want him to let go. I like his touch.

"Hmm. Lemme think. Nope." He says, and without another word, he pushes me into the pool, and he jumps in too, still holding onto my hand.

I gasp for air as I come up from underwater and Zack has a huge smirk on his face. I punch him but I laugh a little too.

"I can't believe you did that!" I yell.

"Sorry! But you just had to feel this water." He jokes.

I notice he's still holding my hand and I clear my throat.

Zack gets the hint and pulls his hand away. "Oh, sorry."

"It's ok." I say with no emotion at all.

I hear footsteps coming toward us and soon there's two shadows above me. I look up. It can't be, not now. Please. No.


A/N: cliffhanger got me like😱 hahaha😂update soon fam!😉

Love you all!!!!💋💙

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