Chapter 11: Cut Off Convo

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Elizabeth's pov:

I feel weird.

Like.. I'm sleeping.

I hear something.

"Lizzie, please just know that if you live, I promise to save you. I promise to be there for you. Please. I need you."

I recognize the voice as Zack's.

He begins to sob and he move his fingers around in my palm. He's been holding onto my hand for hours now, never once letting go.

The last thing I remember was being stabbed in the stomach. Then I was suddenly in a hospital room. I think... I died for a second there. I remember not being able to hear straight, but I knew people were talking.

My ears slowly adjusted and the first thing I heard is Zack saying "Good morning sweetheart."

It's been a few hours since then and he's still here.

He really does care about me.

Maybe I was wrong.

Maybe I can trust him to catch me when I fall.

But, I guess that it's all or nothing now, because I already fell.

I'm in love with Zack Sooy.

And I pray that he doesn't leave me heartbroken like Neil once did.

I know I wouldn't be strong enough to survive a second time.

Zack's fingers touch my cheek, caressing my face.

"So.. beautiful."

I mentally blush.

He sniffles and a tear falls onto my hand.

I wiggle my thumbs and he gasps.

"Doctor!! James!!" He screams at the top of his lungs.

Two people come running in and my body jolts.

"What's going on?! Is she okay!?" Zack demands answers.

"Yes, yes! This is good! She's moving. I think she might be waking up!" The doctor exclaims excitedly.

"Really?!" James asks.

I manage to move both my arms and shake my head. Slowly, I open my eyes and the first thing that I see is Zack.

"Liz!!" He engulfs me in a hug and I don't hold back, I hug him tight. "I can't believe you're awake." He sighs, sitting down in his chair.

"What happened?" I get straight to it. I want answers.

"We found you in the middle of nowhere, bleeding to death, and James called 911." Zack explains.

"But, am I okay?"

"Yes as a matter of fact, the stab wound managed to avoid all of the major arteries and organs so there's no damage that's needs to be fixed with surgery. I'd say you could leave tonight now that's you're awake. We just need your release papers filled out and there's some medicine you'd need to pick up at the pharmacy for the pain you'll be having in the next few days." The doctors says.

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