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"She's at the old gas station" I said walking out the gym. Everyone came behind me.

"It could be a trap" Chris interrupted.
I stopped in my tracks and look straight into his eyes.

"Jess would never do that"

"Not at her own will, they're probably using her as we speak" Kelsi explained.

"What do we do?"

"We play there game, we'll-" she said referring to Starla, Jade, Chris and her "be there waiting for them to try something and if they do we shoot them"

"Will it work?" I asked.

"We've done it many times it'll work" Starla chimed in.

"Then let's go"

It took us awhile to get to the gas station. Was Chris right about Bryce using Jess? Jess must be so confused about all of this. I feel bad I should've told her sooner. As son as I seen the 76  gasoline station I seen she was waiting at the entrance of the store inside. The plan was in place. Chris and the girls are in their positions.

Jack and Kyle came and I told them everything. Apparently they knew all along. Harry's big mouth told them, they were just waiting for me to confess. They understood and I felt good that they didn't tell another soul.
Harry also came and Aidan and Jordan, so imagine all of us in a challenger. Yea it's pretty cramped in there.
We came out and I was the first one.

"Jess!!!" I yelled eagerly excited. I was relieved she was alright. But her face remained blank as she walked towards me. I stopped running "what did they do to-"

"Savanah! Watch out!"

I turned around and stared at the boys as they ran to me. I turned my attention to jess only to see a gun pointing at me. I felt a tug as I heard the gun fire.

"Savanah!!" Ringing was all I heard
Thu- thump

What the hell was that?

Boom boom!!!


I I almost died...

Boom boom!!


I couldn't move my hands or my body I was in total shock. I heard a faint voice muffled...
"Yuuom guuuth??"
The voice kept saying something
.boom boom boom!!!
"You good?" I heard jack muffled voice through the ringing. His voice echoed and came back to normal.

All I thought about was why did I just see my best friend trying to shoot me. Chris must have seen it from a mile away that it was a trap. How stupid can I be?? I put us in danger. Jack pulls me out of my sub conscious as
he looks at me everywhere. My mind clouded with Jess,Why??? Why did she do it??

"Your good, no wounds" he said reassuring himself.

Dylan came to vision and pop the trunk open. Jess was still shooting. And soon guys started coming out shooting at us.

"Here" Dylan thrown me a ak 47, I reluctantly caught it in my hand, at first I didn't know what I was holding till I seen it.

"What the?-Dyl where did you get this???" I asked in disbelief.

"Remember when I said my family is part of the mafia?" He said while shooting a guy with a revolver.
"Yea and you said you were kidding" I dodged a bullet coming towards me while saying this.

"Remember when I said mostly kidding, yeeaaa... I lied my family is apart of the mafia" he quickly answered.

"Jeez Dylan!" I said shocked. And he confessed at a time like this, well I mean I did ask.

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