What a situation

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"Nooooooo!!" I said dramatically.

Everyone was looking at me crazy. Watching a girl drop to her knees on the floor, while three hot boys stand in front of her embarrassed. You remember when I said that there's other people out there that have it worse than me? Well I just topped them.

"Sav get up, your causing a scene" Aidan bluntly said.

I looked at Dylan and went up to him.


"Ow!!" he said. Rubbing his shoulder.
"Your a lefty?" He asked.

"You noticed too?" Jordan asked Dylan.

"I can't believe it!! " I yelled to Dylan.

"Hey hey, he had no choice vana" Jordan said while holding me back.

Aidan had a smirk on his face, probably enjoying the fact that I wanted so badly to beat up Dylan as he cowards behind Aidan.

"He can't like me too?!" I explained.

"Hmm kitten still looking hot when she's mad at me? it suits you " He stops cowering but once he seen me prepare to punch him -

"I mean Sarah, no! Savanah!" I punched him on his right arm.

"Ugh that felt so good babe " he said.
"Your unbelievable" I say

The bell rang, I grabbed my bag and turned around to face the three boys.

"You three. Friday. after school. we'll talk about it then" I said.
Then I walked off to class. But I went back to grab my pizza and proceeded onwards.

My 5th period class was Choir , my Sane place to go. I've only been in choir for 2 years. I only took it because my friends wanted me to. Ever since I was little my mom would listen to R&B music, so I learned how to sing from basically Alicia keys, neyo, Mary Jay, destiny child. You get the picture, anyways my friends think I'm an amazing singer but I mean there my friends there suppose to say that so usually I don't believe them. I know I should but I just can't.

During six period, usually I stay at the library for "study hall" and wait for harry to get out so he can take us home.
I walked pass a scene where a boy and a girl both bumped into each other. Typical he helps the girl by picking up her stuff, both reach for the last paper as they stare into each others eyes and back down to their wrist, yup their souls found each other. In mythology class we learned about how the gods of Greek were scared of humans, apparently humans were created with four arms, four leg, and a head with two faces. The Greek gods feared us which prompt Zeus to split us apart and forever condemning us to search for our other halves, or so Plato had explained.
This idea I guess got up to the government to take this issue of people divorcing and not being able to find the one into their own hands creating this timer on our wrist altering our genetics.
I wish I could find mine. I held my hand watching the timer go as I thought about what it would feel like to find my soulmate.
since I don't have a six period I usually walk slow to the library. As I was walking to my destination I put on my earphones, looked at the song I was listening too, if I ain't got you by Alicia keys. I looked around, no kids, the last bell rang already so they're already in class. Once I knew I was safe I started to sing it.

Some people live for the fortune, some people live just for the fame.
Some people live for the power yeah, some people live just to play the game
Some people think that the physical thangs define what's within and I been
There before but that life's a bore so full of the superficial
Cuz some people want it all but I don't want nothing at all if it ain't you ba-

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