Escape Route Part 2

Start bij het begin

"No!! Give her back!! " bart yelled looking at the joker with wide eyes.

"Ohh I need to eat my diet first! " the joker said opening his mouth.

Bart and ivy eyes went wide and bart scream in pain when he saw the joker putting venus in his mouth and chewing her.

"NOOONOOO!!!! VENUS NOO!! " bart cried out watching the joker swallow her down.

"Yum. " the joker laugh and look at ivy who was angry to death.

"YOU MONSTER!!! I'LL KILL YOU!! " ivy yelled and made the biggest venus come out the ground.

Tim gasp watching ivy plant attack the joker while bart look lost and hurt. Batman climb ontop of ivy plant and punch the joker face with shazam behind. The joker growled in pain and fell down. Barry dash to the joker and start punching him hard on the stomach, chest and to the face with his special move. Catwomen climb up to the bar with harley behind and set tim and bart free. Harley put bart down and selina watch ivy letting her plants crush the joker arms hard.

"ENOUGH!!! " galaxy yelled and blasted everyone to the ground hard.

Bart and tim where on the wall while everyone was pin to the ground.

Jaime was on the floor unconscious with conner next to him. Galaxy has damage on his face, arms and his cape was rip off. Roger was the same and smirk at them. Mage woke up and galaxy help her up looking at the joker laugh.

"Oh shut up! " galaxy blasted the joker reversing the spell making him go back to normal and unconscious.

Galaxy frown and walk down the stair grabbing blue beetle and dragging him to bart.

"Look bart! I defeated your lover!! " galaxy yelled making bart eyes go wide.

"Blue. " bart said looking at galaxy deadly. " I'll kill you!! "

Galaxy laugh and threw jaime next to batman who look at jaime worried.

"You fucking idoit!! I won. Why can't you see that I'm stronger than him!! " galaxy yelled grabbing bart by the shirt.

Bart glare at galaxy and spit at his face. Galaxy growled and smack bart making him gasp and fall to the floor making him go unconscious. Ivy and harley gasp and frown in anger.

"HOW FUCKING DARE YOU TOUCH MY CHILD!!! " Harley yelled looking at galaxy who look at bart.

Tim growled and spit at galaxy.

"You dick! " tim said glaring at galaxy who look at him.

"Ohh shut up robin!! " galaxy yelled and punch tim on the stomach making roger growled.

"Galaxy stop!! " roger yelled grabbing galaxy arms.

Galaxy growled but sigh. He look at mage who was holding the book and went to her.

"Thank you mage. " galaxy said grabbing the book and turning the pages to see one missing. "Where the spell at!! "

Tim smirk and look at galaxy. Galaxy growled and look at tim walking to him and grabbing the paper from his pocket. Mage gasp and tried stopping galaxy from casting the spell but galaxy was to angry to even notice he had the wrong spell. Once he cast the spell galaxy and his team were thrown back and everyone was free. Harley and ivy ran to bart holding bart in ivy arms and selina ran to tim. Batman check on jaime and shazam with conner. The flash was next to ivy looking at bart worried and was angry when he heard a groan.

"What?? " galaxy said all weak and powerless.

"You cast the wrong spell. The spell I rip out was a reverse spell. Giving you a test of your own medicine! " tim said smirking at galaxy who growled but groan in pain.

Barry dash to galaxy with batman, harley and selina there looking at galaxy. Galaxy smirk and chuckle looking at the hero's and villian.

"Welk I'm fuck aren't I. " Galaxy said looking at them.

"Hell ya you are. " harley growled cracking her nuckles and pulled back a fist just like batman, selina, and barry.

When they punch galaxy a force field was blocking their punches. Mage was in front of galaxy with roger holding galaxy close.

"Bye. " mage said and vanish away leaving the hero's and villians.

Harley curse but then gasp when the kingdom was falling apart.

"We need to get out of here now!! " batman said picking jaime up and shazam picking conner up.

Ivy pick bart up and nodded her head. The flash grab the joker and everyone start running.

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