The Creeper

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A/N: This one mostly about bluepulse and Harley and ivy. So no Catwomen, tim, or conner sorry they were sleepy.

Ivy thought it was a great day to take their son with them to steal some plants toxics and some diamonds too. Harley smiled while licking her thumb and cleaning bart up. After bart injury ivy made sure to be close to him. Bart whine when Harley whip her thumb on his cheek.

"Mamma, I'm not dirty. " bart said while pushing Harley back.

Ivy smiled and rubbed bart hair while looking at the building they were about to go in.

"We know honey. Just want you to look nice once we go in. " ivy smiled and kiss bart forehead.

"Yea, you gotta be beautiful when you steal, right red. " Harley smiled looking at ivy.

Ivy chuckle and nodded her head. Both ivy and bart pulled vines up together and ivy smiled rubbing bart head. Harley jump on red vine while bart got on his.

"Okay let go! " Harley smiled looking at the lab.

Ivy and bart push the vines through the windows making them shatter. Scientists scream taking cover while some got hurted. Bart and ivy jump off their vines while Harley flip off and landed perfectly.

"Okay Harley hon. Keep watch while me and our son get the bottles. " ivy said watching bart run inside the back room.

Harley nodded and threw laughing gas at the scientists that tried stopping her family.

"Ahh no. Sorry chump you ain't touching this family. " Harley smirk watching the scientists laugh.

From a far batman was watch with blue beetle next to him. Batman nodded and fired his grappling hook swing to buildings. Jaime follow behind batman knowing that bart was in a whole lot trouble.

Poison Ivy and sumac smiled when they found the boxes and ran out.

"Okay Harley we got the boxes. Now let's get going before batman gets here. " ivy said jumping on her vine.

Harley nodded and threw a other laugh gas at the other scientists that she didn't attack. Bart jump on his vine and look at his mother who pointed out. Bart left first and they follow behind.

"Whoa that was fun! " Harley smiled looking at ivy who rolled her eyes but smiled anyways.

Bart smiled and notice something red and fluffy in the sky. Venus notice too and start growling.

"What is th- ahh! " bart yelled in pain when he got kick off his vine getting ivy and Harley attention.

"BART NOO! " ivy scream and glace at his attack angrily. "How dare you attack my son!! "

Harley gasp and frown when she saw the attack.

"Not you! " harley yelled and jump off ivy vine with ivy behind.

The man laugh and look at harley with love.

"Oh baby it's me. You creeper. The creeper. " creeper said bowing down to harley.

Bart groan and look up but gasp when the creeper grab him by his arm.

"Hey let go. " bart yelled and tried kicking the creep face but he block each move (see the video. He even block batman). "What?! "

Ivy growled and made her plants attack the creeper. The creeper laugh and dodge each attack holding on bart bridle style.

"Hahhaaa oh plant lady you got to do better than that hahaa. " the creeper land but soon got hit by blue beetle pin making bart fly up.

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