Chapter 12

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September 1475

It was the day that Richard was expected to return to Middleham Castle. He had come stayed court for a few days after returning from France. Mary had received word a few days before from Richard that he would be back at the middle of September. It was now the middle of September. Mary waited patiently for him.

As the evening came, Mary realized that she would not end up seeing Richard after all, despite the fact that it was the day he was supposed to come home. She excused herself to her room and let her ladies have the rest of the night off. Once she was ready for the night, she went straight to bed.

The next morning, Mary did not even both putting on a proper gown after waking up and walked straight to her son's room. When she had first walked into the room, she was surprised to see some strange man holding her son. She was about to call for her guards when she realized that the strange man was her husband.

"Richard!" Mary exclaimed. She ran over to him and little Edward.

"Mary!" Richard opened his free arm up and held it out for Mary. Little Edward began to squeal because he was so excited.

"I missed you," Mary said in between kisses.

Richard remained silent and just held his wife and son in his arms.

After a while, Edward's nursemaid came into the room and took Edward from Mary and Richard. In turn, Mary and Richard rushed back to their room and locked the door behind them.

Mary pulled off her nightgown. Richard picked her up and carried her to the bed. He pulled off his own clothing, then got into bed with her. He laid beside her and caressed her breasts and belly. After a while, Mary couldn't take it anymore and got on top Richard and began to kiss his neck. Mary sighed relief when Richard entered her.

Their first session of loving lasted only about a minute, as it had been several months since they had lain together. The second time lasted a good hour, ending with both Mary and Richard completely satisfied. They both fell asleep shortly after. Mary only slept for about an hour. Richard was still sleeping after she woke up. She put on her nightgown and robe. She kissed Richard's cheek, then quietly left the room.

Mary went to Eleanor's room. Eleanor had just begun her bedrest and seemed to be bored out of her mind. She did notice that Mary was glowing.

"I suspect that you have just seen your husband, haven't you?" Eleanor asked.

"Yes..." Mary said, blushing.

"I'm guessing that there wasn't much talking..."

"No..." Mary smiled, then began to laugh.

Eleanor joined in. "I suppose that the others are doing the same thing with their husbands?"

"I suspect so... Has your husband come to see you?"

"Yes, but only for a few minutes, though I do not think he will visit me again until after the baby is born. Edward despises being around pregnant women."

"What an ass," Mary scoffed, "but I guess you don't really care."

"No I do not."

"At least your baby will be born soon."

"Yes," Eleanor smiled, "I can't wait to meet him."

"How do you know it's a boy?"

"I just know."

A few weeks later, Mary and Richard were having a private supper together. Mary had a secret that she desired to share with Richard.

"I am with child again," Mary said.

Richard got out of his seat and went over to Mary and kissed her on the lips. "I knew you would be with child again."

"Yes," Mary laughed at little, "I feel foolish for worrying so much."

"It's alright. You are with child. That is all that matters now." Richard kissed Mary's hand and cheek. "You have made me a happy man, my love."

Mary kissed Richard's cheek. "And you have made me a happy woman."

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