Chapter 6

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June 1473

Mary's pregnancy had gone by very quickly. She would give birth any day now. Mary was now in her in her lying in, so she could no longer leave her room. Her ladies sat with her day in and day out. One evening when it was just Alice sitting with Mary, she decided to tell Mary her secret.

"Mary," said Alice

"Yes?" said Mary

"Several weeks ago, you asked if something was different about me..."

"Go on..."

"I was not being honest with you. There was and still is something different about me."

"What is it?"

"I am afraid to tell you."

"It can't be that bad."

"It is that bad..."

"Just tell me. Whatever it is you are dealing with, I can help you."

"I am pregnant with the king's child."

"With child? How long have you known? How far along with you?"

"I am about six months gone and I have known since January."

"Why didn't you tell me earlier? I could have found you a husband."

"I could not tell you. I was and still am ashamed."

Mary remained silent for a while.

"Does your family know?" Mary asked after a long pause.

"No, they cannot find out. My father could not handle another scandal within his family, not after my mother."

"What happened with your mother?"

"She had an affair with a stableboy when I was ten. She got pregnant, but lost the baby. Father sent her to a nunnery afterwards. She died there two years later due to her failing health. I never even got so much as a letter before she died. She was too ashamed to write to me or my brothers or my sister. Father probably would not have allowed her to write to us anyways."

"I am so sorry Alice."

"Do not feel sorry for me. I don't want your sympathy or your pity. I should have known not to bed the king."

"Does he know?"

"No one knows except for you. I was able to hide my pregnancy for a long time, but there is no way I will be able to hide my pregnancy now. What am I supposed to do?"

"Tell Richard about your pregnancy and he will help you figure out a solution."

"Can't we tell him together?"

"No. I cannot leave this room and Richard is not allowed in until after the baby is born."

"Do I have to tell him now?"

"I won;t force you to tell Richard, but the child you are carrying is his niece or nephew. He will take care of the child if it's a bastard or not."

"I will not tell him now. If he does ask, I'll tell him, but if he does not ask, I will not tell him."

"Richard is a very intelligent man. He will be able to tell that you are pregnant just by looking at you, even if you still decide to conceal your pregnancy."

"I cannot tell him, okay? I have been with child for nearly half a year, but even that is not enough time to think of something to say."

"Alright." Mary signed. "I will tell him myself when I get the chance and we will think of solution together. Is that good enough?"

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