Chapter 5

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March 1473 - April 1473

The months were passing by quickly. Mary's pregnancy was progressing fast. She was beginning to prepare for the baby, since it would be born in June. She also noticed that Alice was not acting like her normal self, but for once, she decided to let things do. If Alice needed her help for one reason or another, she would have to come to her.

Francis and Stephen Lovell had also officially moved in. Their company was welcomed. one evening at supper, Francis had an announcement to make.

"I intend to wed Anne Neville," said Francis

"Anne Neville? I did not know you were interested," said Richard.

"We have spent much time together and we write to each other often. I have developed feelings for Anne."

"Does my brother George know of your affection for his sister-in-law? He is her guardian after all."

"He is unaware of my affection for Anne. So I was wondering if -"

"You want Richard to talk to George, don't you?" Mary asked, cutting Francis off.

"Yes... You wouldn't mind, would you?" Francis asked Richard.

"Of course, Francis. You actually brought this up at the right moment. George will be here in a few days for a visit."

"Is George bringing Anne and Isabel?" Mary asked.

"No, it's just him. He does not want Isabel to travel since she is finally with child again. Anne is staying behind to attend to her sister."

"I look forward to George's visit," said Mary as she put her hands on her rounding belly.

"As do I," said Francis.

George arrived at Middleham Castle three days later. His presence was welcomed. Mary had grown to like him, though she did not particularly care for his arrogance. One day, Mary saw George talking with Richard, Stephen and Francis. She could not help but wonder if George knew about Kate. She decided to ask George knew about Kate, since Richard had not told her everything.

"I am assuming that you know about Richard's bastard children?" Mary asked George.

"Of course I do. He is my brother." George took a drink of wine.

"Did you know the children's mother, Kate?"

"I never met Kate. George kept their relationship a secret. He only let his closest friends meet Kate, even though Edward was able to meet her."

"He did?"

"Yes... but I am not bitter about it. It's better that way."

"Do you know what her second name is?"

"I only know that her name is Katherine, Kate for short. Though I am sure that Francis and Stephen know her."

"I suppose I will have to ask them."

Later that day, Mary got the chance to speak with Stephen.

"You've met Kate before, haven't you?" Mary asked.

"Yes," said Stephen, "me and Francis are some of the few people who got to meet her. You know how much of a private person Richard is."

"Yes I do. Do you know her full name?"

"Yes I do."

"Can you tell me what it is?"

"No I cannot."


"Richard is my very good friend. I will not share his secrets with anyone... even his wife."

"I just need to know her name."

"If you want to know her full name, ask Richard."

"I have already asked Richard about Kate. He told me what she is like, but that's it."

"Perhaps it is better you know only that."

"Please, Stephen."

"No, Mary," Stephen got up, "Do not ask me again about Kate. I will always say no." He walked off.

Mary did not accept that answer. She resolved to find out more.

Mary was in bed early that. None of her ladies attended her that night since she wished to be alone. She was enjoying the quiet when Richard walked in with a frustrated look on his face.

"I hear that you have been asking about Kate again," Richard said firmly, "Is that true?"


"Why do you keep asking about Kate? I already told you about her."

"You have not told me enough."

"What more do you need? The fact that I shared anything about her at all should have made you happy. I have the right not to talk to you about Kate."

"I am your wife, Richard. I have the right to know."

"I have told you about me and I have shared many stories. But my private life is mine and mine alone. I did not have to tell you about Kate, but I did anyways."

"It was not enough."

"It was enough for me. Kate was my first love, but I love you now, Mary. Isn't that enough?"

Mary signed. "Yes it is... I'm sorry Richard, but I just need to know her name."

"Why is it so important to you?"

"It just is."

"One day I will tell you, but just not today."

"How long will I have to wait?"

"Sometime in the future, perhaps when she brings John and Katherine to me."

"I suppose I can accept that."

"Good," said Richard. He went over to Mary and kissed her cheek, then left the room and left Mary alone. Mary could not enjoy the rest of her evening.

Since they had left court nearly three months before, Alice not only felt different, but also looked different.

"Alice," said Mary, "there is something different about you."

"What's different?"

"Your cheeks are rosier and your skin is softer. You are positively glowing, Alice." What Mary failed to mention is that Alice was plumper than usual, but did not say anything since she did not want to be rude.

"Thank you Mary. You are lovely as well."

"No need to flatter me. I am huge. I want this babe to be born already, but I still have another two months to go."

"Are you ready for motherhood?"

"I am ready as I will ever be." Mary put her hands on her belly. She hoped that she would be a good mother.

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