Chapter 2

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Chapter Two: May 1472

Mary and Richard had been at Middleham Castle for three days now. The had left Westminster three days after their wedding. Mary enjoyed being at Middleham. It was a massive castle in the north and more importantly, it was Richard's favorite place to be. It took three days for Mary and her ladies Alice, Margery, Eleanor and Jane to explore the castle in it's entirety.

The ladies all seemed to like it there, though Margery missed being at court. She missed being with King Edward, though Mary assured her that they would all be going to London in September. Alice did not particularly like being at Middleham, but Eleanor and jane were happy to be there (especially since they had all become good friends in the past few months). Mary hoped that being away from court would give her and Richard more time together, but he had so many duties to attend to and could only really see Mary at meals and at night.

"Richard," said Mary as they were having supper one evening, "we have barely spent any time together since we arrived here."

"I know Mary, but I have duties to attend to."

"I know, but we have just been married and we still don't really know each other."

"Edward has given me many responsibilities. I will always have work to do for him, as well as my own duties as duke of Gloucester."

"Let me unburden you and give me a few of responsibilities, Richard. I want to help."

"It's my responsibility."

"Please, Richard. I need something to do besides sit around all day and embroider with my ladies."

Richard signed. "Alright Mary. You can help me read the dozens of letters I receive each day, as well as help me write my responses back to those letters."

"Thank you Richard. I really do appreciate this."

He smiled. "Tomorrow is Sunday, so I will not have as many letters. Perhaps we could go riding together?"

"I would love that."

"Good," Richard said before taking a drink of wine/

"Mary took a drink of wine herself. The rest of the evening was spent in deep conversation about Socrates and his philosophies. The next day came quickly. It was soon time for Mary and Richard to leave for their horseback ride.

"Mary," said Margery before Mary left to join Richard, "you should take this." She handed Mary a folded up blanket.

"A blanket?" Mary asked, a bit puzzled, "why would I need a blanket? Richard and I are only going riding."

Margery laughed. "It is for when you have to stop riding for a bit. I am sure that you and Richard will need a break sometime... It would be the perfect opportunity for your two to have private time as husband and wife."

"Oh," Mary said blushing, "that would not be proper. Private husband and wife time is for the bedchamber."

"I don't think so," said Margery, "you can really do it anywhere."

"Richard and I are the duke and duchess of Gloucester. I will not be discussing our private married life any further."

"How often have you and Richard been together as husband and wife?" Eleanor asked.

"I just told you Eleanor. I will not be discussing my private, married life any further."

"Oh, come now Mary," said Margery, "just tell us. We will keep the information to ourselves.

Mary was flustered. "Fine... I will tell you, even though there is not much to tell... Richard and I have only been together once... On our wedding night."

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