Chapter 7

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July 1473

After another month of rest, Mary was finally able to get out of bed. With the exception of two things, everything was back to normal: Mary was now a mother and Alice was on bedrest. Unlike when Mary was on bedrest, Alice wanted to be alone most of the time. Mary never listened and usually visited Alice nearly everyday. She usually brought hew new son Edward with her.

Mary had told Richard about Alice's precarious situation and the two thought up a plan. It was simple. Alice would remain on bedrest until the baby was born, then they would take the baby to a convent. They would agree not to tell Edward and Alice's family as long as she agreed to marry as soon as she was able. Alice did not particularly like this plan, but went along with it since she knew it was the best option.

Margery, Eleanor and Jane knew of the plan and were all supportive of it. None of them asked about the father of Alice's baby, but then again, she would not have told them even if they had asked.

Despite her worries about Alice, Mary also worried about her son. Edward was a healthy baby, but he was smaller than he should have been. Richard assured Mary that Edward would be fine. He was a Plantagenet after all. Mary would still not stop worried and was with her son as often as possible.

One evening, Mary went to see her son before going off to bed. Richard was already there in the room with Edward in his arms. Mary was touched by the proud look look on Richard's face.

"My favorite men together in one room," Mary said as she went over to them. She kissed both Edward and Richard on the cheek.

"The last time I felt this proud is when I held John in my arms for the first time."

"Yes... John, your other son."

Richard frowned. "Don't be like that, Mary."

"I cannot help it. It's all I think about some days, that you have two other children."

"I thought you were fine with it?"

"I tried to be, but I still am not over it."

"Over what? The fact that I have two bastard children or that I loved someone else before I even knew that we would be wed."

"A little of both."

"You have to learn to accept it Mary. John and Katherine will be in my care before long."

"I am trying."

"Try harder. Our marriage can never work if you do not."

Mary did not know what to say and just looked at her son. She grabbed him out of Richard's arms and began to rock him."

Richard sighed. "Her full name is Katherine Haute."

Mary looked up. "Kate as in John and Katherine's mother?"


Mary sat down in the chair next to Edward's cradle. "Can you tell me a little more?"

"Yes, but what I tell you cannot leave this room."

"Of course, Richard."

"I was nearly fifteen when we first met. She was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen at the time. Months later, I was visiting my good friend John Howard. Kate was also visiting while her husband was away. That's when were together for the first time. She became pregnant with Katherine shortly after."

"Kate was married when you two were together?"

"Yes, but her husband died a few months after Katherine was born. Besides, I was not doing anything wrong and neither was Kate. Her husband James was a horrible human being and was not a true husband to her. Their marriage had never even been consummated."

Mary nodded her head. "Continue."

"Kate and I met up with each other whenever we could. Our son John was born some months after Kate's husband James died. I did not get to see John until several months after he was born, as I was helping my brother win his war. The last time I saw Kate as my lover was the first Christmas that you were here in England, but you already know that,"

"Do you know how Kate is doing now?"

"Yes. I write to her sometimes. I tell her my news and she tells me her news and about the goings on of John and Katherine. She has recently married her first husband's younger brother William, so she is still Katherine Haute. She and William are happily married."

"That is great, Richard. I am happy for her."

"I am glad that you are, Mary. I do not want you to hate her. I do not want you to be jealous of her either."

"I suppose that I don't have a reason to be jealous of her anymore. You were happy with her for a time, but I am your wife and I have borne you a son."

"Yes you have." Richard walked over to Mary and kissed her on the cheek. "You have given me what Kate could not."

"I love you, Richard. You are the only man for me now and forever." Mary kissed Richard's hand.

"I love you too, Mary. Always remember that."

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