Chapter 9

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December 1473

They were now back at court for the Christmas season. Mary was happy to be back. Her ladies liked all the excitement. At this point, all her ladies had a suitor or were betrothed. Alice was betrothed to Sir Nicholas FitzAlan. They planned to marry in January. Margery was betrothed to Stephen Lovell and the two would be married at the end of the month. Eleanor was being courted by Nicholas FitzAlan's younger brother Edward. Jane was betrothed to Sir Charles Mortimer, the younger brother of Lord Anthony Lovell. The two would be married some time in the spring. Mary liked Charles as he was so friendly and helpful, though she did see his flaws. Another reason Mary was so happy because she was with child again. She and Richard had conceived again on Anne and Francis's wedding night. They decided to keep this pregnant a secret, since it was still so early.

While at court, Mary noticed that her brother-in-law King Edward appeared to be interested in her lady Eleanor. He had already been with Margery and had gotten Alice with child, so she decided to speak with him on it. Mary finally got her chance to speak with him on the first of the twelve nights of Christmas.

"Your grace," said Mary as she bowed to her brother-in-law.

"My dear sis, there is no need for formalities. It is the Christmas season, a time to make merry. Come and sit with me."

"Of course... my dear brother," said Mary as she sat down next to him.

"You are positively glowing, dear sis."

"Thank you."

"How far along are you in your pregnancy?"

"How did you know?"

"I have seen my wife through six pregnancies, so I an tell when a woman is with child."

Mary blushed. "I am two months gone."

"Congratulations, sis. Between you and my Elizabeth, the house of York will continue to grow."

"I am flattered, but lets not just focus on me. How have you been?"

"I am content," said Edward was he put his hand on his growing belly.

"I see that. I have also noticed you admiring my lady, Eleanor."

"Ahhh, yes. The lady Eleanor is very lovely."

"Yes she is, but she already has one Edward courting her. She has no need for another Edward to do so."

"I have yet to pursue your lady. I have only been admiring her."

"You have already lain with two of my ladies. I don't want you to bed another one."

"Ohhh... you already know that I have been with your lady Alice?"

"Yes, she told me several months ago."

"If it bothers you so much, then I will not pursue Lady Eleanor."

"Thank you, your gr- dear brother"

Edward grabbed Mary's hand and kissed it.

Mary smiled. "Now if you excuse me, I must go find my ladies."

"You can go now, dear sis, but I do hope to speak with you again soon."

"Of course, you are good company."

Mary bowed respectfully to Edward, then went to find her ladies. She found Eleanor first. She had been talking with Edward FitzAlan, who had just gone off to find his friends."

"Thank you, Mary," Eleanor whispered to Mary. She appeared to be annoyed.

"Why are you thanking me?"

"For finding me. Edward left when you began to make your way over here... which I am glad for."

"Really? Do you not like Edward FitzAlan?"

"No... he is an arrogant ass."

"That may be so, but he is still a good choice for a husband due to his wealth and family name."

"I would only marry him if I had no other option."

"You might have to marry him."

"I know that, but I still don't have to like Edward FitzAlan."

"He is a better option than the king, who is already married."

"The king? What does he have to do with this?"

"I saw him admiring you, but I put a stop to it."


"I don't want another of my ladies to become a mistress of the king."

"It's understandable, but you did not even ask me how I felt it."

"Why should it matter? Do you like the king?"

"He is handsome and charming. I might not want to bed him, but that does not mean I do not like being admired."

"I did not know that. But the next time, I will ask."

"Thank you, that is all I needed to hear."

Mary smiled, but then began to feel a sharp pain.

"Are you alright?" Eleanor asked after noticing that Mary did not look well.

"I am fine."

"Are you sure? You should go sit down."

"I will be alright."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes... now lets go find the others."

"Alright. I saw Margery speaking with Jane, Charles and Stephen in the corner of the room."

"Yes, let's go." Mary felt another pain.

Later that night, Mary went off by herself. She was feeling more sharp pains. She happened to bump into Anne Neville.

"Mary... is there something wrong?"

"Nothing... Noth-" Mary stopped talking. This newest pain was the worst.

Anne put her arms around Mary and helped her back to her room. She helped her on the bed. She lifted up her skirt and saw that she was bleeding.

"Oh no..." Mary started to cry.

"You are losing the baby... let me go get help."

"No... I don't want anyone to know right now..."

"I need to get Richard or one of your ladies."

"Please don't leave me. I don't want to be alone right now." Mary felt another pain.

"I won't leave you, Mary."

"Thank you, Anne."

Mary was laying in bed when Richard came to her. Mary's face was red and puffy."

"I lost the baby."

"I know, darling. Anne told me." Richard went over to Mary and sat on the bed with her."

"I am so sorry."

"There is no need for you to be sorry, my love. These things happen."

"I know, but I wanted to give you another child so much..." Mary began to whimper.

Richard kissed her hand. "I am sorry, my love."

"I wanted to give Edward a brother or a sister to play with." Mary began to cry."

"We are young and healthy. I am sure that we will give Edward a brother or sisters to play with in no time." He continued to comfort Mary. "Everything will be alright."

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