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Morgan was having a hard time focusing on anything, constantly worrying about Nina

Fredrick had called her to do something for him, and he was frowning, seeing he had to repeat himself

Morgan: I'm sorry Master, could you repeat that please?

She asked with a sheepish smile and a slight blush on her cheeks

While he'd usually find that endearing, it made him even grumpier than he was. He thought she was thinking about Sam

Fredrick: You should pay more attention. I've already repeated it once

Morgan winced: Sorry

Fredrick: You shouldn't be distracted at work, especially over a relationship..

Morgan: Sorry? A relationship?! What do you mean?

Fredrick: Sam..

Morgan: Sam? What does he have to do with any of this?

Fredrick: At least don't try to play dumb, it doesn't become you

Morgan frowned: I seriously have no idea what you're talking about

Fredrick almost shouted it: You are dating him, aren't you?!

Morgan stood there, unblinking, before she burst out laughing

Morgan: You think I'm dating him?

She laughed again: We're just frirnds

Fredrick: It didn't look like that to me

She smiled: Well, we are just good friends, he's getting married in a couple of months

Fredrick looked sheepish now: Oh!

Morgan: So, you see. I'm not breaking the rules, no need to get so iffy with me

Fredrick: I wasn't being iffy

She smirked: Sure..

He rubbed his face and muttered: Only if you knew why I did..

Morgan: Hmm?

Fredrick: Why are you so distracted then?

Morgan: I'm just worried about something

Fredrick: What is it? Maybe I can help

Morgan: Thank you, but it will get better soon, I'm sure of it

He knew he'd gain nothing if he pushed: Bring me some sugar cookies with chocolate pudding, please

Morgan: Are you okay? You usually just ask for one type of sweets

Fredrick puffed his cheeks: I just feel like indulging myself today, hurry up please, I'm hungry

She laughed: Yes Master

He liked hearing her laugh, he hoped the board would make their decision soon, so he could finally ask her out

Nina was spacing out more and more, fearfully anticipating Bella blabbing her secret

Bella made things worse by continuously gesturing meaningfully at Ben, or smiling menacingly at Nina or even muttering things about telling Mrs. Mayweather, whenever she got the chance

Morgan had to act, and now

So she purposefully messed the monster's breakfast up

Instead of chives, she put onions inside the omlette, and instead of hazelnut coffee, she prepared a mocha

She had already fixed a camera at a convenient angle, served the girl, and waited for the explosion

Bella: What the hell is this?

Morgan: Your breakfast, Miss

Bella: Are you shitting me?! I didn't ask for onions, but chives in my omlette, or are you just too stupid to know the difference

Morgan: I apologize, I'll get you another right away

She took a sip of her coffee: What?! You messed this up too? How hard is it for you to actually remember what I said, it's not even compicated, you brainless twat

Morgan: I'm really sorry Miss, I'll get you another..

Bella snapped: Hurry the hell up, I'm hungry

Morgan: Yes Miss..

She walked into the kitchen and hurriedly exchanged the omlette and coffee

She didn't take much time, but when she got out, Bella snapped at her again: What took you so long? You are so worthless

Morgan just ignored her, and walked away

Bella: I haven't dismissed you yet

Morgan: Is there anyhting else I can do for you, Miss?

Bella said hautily: Go stand over there, till I finish my breakfast, so you'll clear the table after I'm done

Morgan would have ripped her hair out, if she wasn't gleeful all this was being filmed: Yes, Miss

Bella: And be quiet, your voice is giving me a headache

Morgan retreated, but couldn't help but roll her eyes

After the girl finished, and rudely told Morgan to clear the dishes while she texted, then she tripped her as well, causing Morgan to slip and make a mess, and snapped at her for making a mess before strutting away angrily

Morgan was just thinking, go ahead, dig yourself into an even deeper hole than you're in

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