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Morgan: What was all that about?

Nina: What?

Morgan: You know what I mean

Nina: I don't think I do

Morgan: Come on Nina, it's obvious you guys know eachother well

Nina: When did you become so observant?

Morgan rolled her eyes: Just answer the question

Mary: Morgan, would you please give me a hand? I might combust if I'm left alone to cater for Lady Bella's every whim..

Morgan: Coming Mary. This is not over yet

She sprinted after her new friend

Morgan: So, what does she want?

Mary rubbed the space between her eyes: She wants us to run a bath for her, scented oils, rose petals and all. She also wants champagne, a certain brand of chocolate, which I can't pronounce its name and pretty sure you have to go to a specific shop to get it, and the bed sheets replaced even though we've just changed them

Morgan grimaced: Is she always this bad?

Mary: I guess.. She's only visited twice since I started working here, and she did have ridiculous demands then, but I think she's even worse this time. She's one of the reasons some girls quit

Morgan frowned: Do we really have to do everything she asks?

Mary: You mean commands, unfortunately, yes. She's a very important guest. Her family are business associates with our bosses. She flatters herself in thinking she would end up with the young master, but she has no chance

Morgan arched a brow: Why are you so sure?

Mary: Are you kidding me? He would never like a girl with a personality like hers. We've seen his preivious gitlfriends, none had a difficult personality like hers. Her looks mean nothing, she's not so gorgeous anyway

Morgan smiled, the girl was beautiful, but she had nothing on Nina..

They reached the door of her assigned guestroom. It was huge, with classy, comfortable furniture, yet she looked the farthest thing from happy

Bella: Have you ironed and perfumed the sheets you brought?

Mary: No miss, I'll do that right away..

Morgan had an incredilous look on her face, was she for real!

Bella: The water will run cold with all your dawdling. Hurry up and prepare the bath

Morgan's nostrils flared. She sealed her mouth shut, otherwise she'll say something she'd regret

She entered the bathroom, spilled the scented oil she was told was the monster's favourite in and scattered the rose petals. She made sure the water was comfortably warm

She went back into the room and announced the bath to be ready

Bella entered the bathroom and checked it for herself: It could have been better, but this will do, for now..

Morgan was developing a huge headache from gritting her teeth

Mary: Let's just change the sheets

They changed the sheets. It was a task, because the matress was heavy. Just after they finished, Bella came out of the bath dripping water on the floor

Bella: Wipe that.. And there are creases, straighten them out. Hurry up, I don't have all day

Mary could see a vein about to pop in Morgan's temple. She hurriedly smoothed the nonexistent creases and sent Morgan away before she exploded

She soon followed her

Morgan: Who the hell does she think she is?!

Mary gave her a weak smile: Isabelle Elliot. Heiress extroardinare

Morgan rolled her eyes: She gives rich people such a bad rep..

Mary: We better find this chocolate.. She won't forget about it

Morgan: She probably doesn't even care about it and just wants to give us a hard time. I bet she'll complain about the flavour or something when we bring it. We should just ask Mrs. Burnes where we can find it, she probably knows

Mary nodded

Mrs. Burnes told them where to find it, and gave them a ridiculous amount of money to buy it

Morgan: All this for a few pieces of chocolate?

Mary: She doesn't care about money like we do

Morgan shook her head: Let's just go. At least she can torture someone else while we're gone..

Mrs. Burnes gave directions to the driver, before they left, she stopped Morgan

Mrs. Burnes: Your work has been very good, Miss Reign. I hope it continues with the same quality, regardless of new difficulties

She gave Morgan a pointed look, she sighed: Yes, Mam..

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