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Bella still wouldn't leave Nina alone, so armed with the glorious movie featuring the monster, and with Will promissing that Daren was ready to testify any time they needed him, Morgan confronted Bella one night, after they all went to bed

Morgan: A minute if you please, Miss

Bella: What do you want?

Morgan: I would appreciate it if you stopped threatning Nina and left her alone

Bella: And why should I do that?

Morgan: Because I'm sure you'd want to keep your behaviour with us, and your liason with Daren secrets from the masters

Bell's nostrils flared: And what proof do you have? They will believe me, not you, a mere servant girl

Morgan: Hmm, I wouldn't be so sure if I was you, especially when I have this, she had made a copy of the video, and stored on her phone, she played the beginning

Bella lunged at her, but it wasn't like Morgan hadn't been in fights before, she easily dodged

Bella: This proves nothing! You could have faked it!

Morgan: They would know if it was fake or not, are you sure you want to risk that

Bella: YOU!!

Morgan: You will be decent to all the servants, and stay away from Nina especially. Are we clear?

Bella: What, do you have a crush on her or something?

Morgan ignored her: Are we clear?

Bella snapped: Fine! But this isn't over yet!

Morgan ignored her again and left, feeling slightly triumphant

The next day, Bella kept her attitude in check for most of the time, she would still glare sometimes at the girls , especially Morgan, if looks could kill, she'd be sux feet under akready. Bella was grumpier than ever

All the girls were whispering, wondering about the change

Only Mary and Nina looked like they might know something

Nina was more relaxed than in ages, but was still worried about her unruly cousin, she was certain whatever Morgan did, it could not bare well for her on the long run

When she'd asked her cousin about it, Morgan just shrugged and told her not to worry, she sighed and smiled ruefully at her. She knew Morgan meant well, and really cared about her, but her actions weren't always normal..

Ben seemed happier, seeing that Nina was almost back to normal

He was leaving the next day, and he was happy for that as well, because it meant he'd get his relationship with her back

Bella wouldn't leave, she was still mad about what Morgan did, she haf humiliated her, HER! The heiress of Elliot enterprises!

She had to have her revenge

What made it worse, was the constant smiling between Morgan and Fredrick

Bella finally snapped, she decided to complain to Mrs. Mayweather

Morgan was called into the great hall, where she found a frowning Mrs. Mayweather, a stern looking Mrs. Burnes, and a sniffling Bella

All she could think was, damn! She's good, the sneaky little rat..

Mrs. Mayweather: Morgan, Miss Bella was just telling us you bullied her, is that true?

Morgan shook her head: I didn't bully her Mam

Mrs. Burnes stepped in: The young miss said you'd threatened her with something

Morgan nodded, she wasn't scared, she would take full responsibility for what she'd done, it's not like she'd regretted anything: That, I will admit to doing

Mrs. Mayweather: Bella dear, you should go to your room to rest, we would like to handle things on our own. You shouldn't witness this

Bella: But!

Mrs. Mayweather: Please..

She didn't look happy, yet she complied, but not before discretely glaring then smiling menacing at Morgan, who was still unphazed

Mrs. Mayweather: Well, we've heard her side, now you should tell us yours, it's only fair

Morgan: Thank you mam

She proceeded to tell them about everything she'd witnissed about Bella's attitude, down to her causing Nina to lose her peace of mind and threatning her, but not with what

Mrs. Burnes: Those are grave accusaions indeed, do you have any proof?

Morgan nodded

She produced her phone and played the video, Mrs. Mayweather couldn't keep her shock from taking over her, she had to sit down, Mrs. Burnes was only a little bit shocked, but more at Morgan filming it than anything..

After she collected herself, Mrs. Mayweather said: Thank you Morgan, now please get back to your room, till we decide what the best course of action is going to be

Morgan nodded, curtsied and left

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