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Morgan was wishing she got to say goodbye to Fredrick, but she knew it wouldn't have been possible

She stood at the steps, lookong at the mansion, for the last time up close

She was going to leave when she heard an angry voice: Serves you right, getting fired. You ruined my life, my reputation

Morgan turned towards the voice: You managed to that all by your own, do I have to remind you that you were the one that went complaining to Mrs. Mayweather

Bella: You were threatning me!

Morgan: With good reason, if you had just sucked it up, I would have held my end of the bargain, and you'd keep your horrible nature a secret for a while longer

Bella: And you think you have a chance with Fredrick, how ridiculous and pathetic

Morgan: If it was so, then it would be even more pathetic and ridiculous to get upset over it

Bella: You ruined my chances with him!

Morgan: Hate to break it to you, but there was never a chance to begin with, your duplicity made sure of it

Bella was going to say something else, Morgan cut her: Well, have a good life

She turned to leave

Bella: He doesn't like you! If that's what you think, you have no appeal. You are not even pretty, and even your name sounds bad, what will your nickname be, Morgue?

Morgan muttered, snorting: Pathetic..

She left Bella standing there, seething

Bella left the mansion on the same day, she was scolded by Mrs. Mayweather, who told her she was disappointed in her, but when the water works started, Mrs. Mayweather didn't have the heart to continue scolding her and just told her to think about what she did, and she should apologize to the staff, which she would never do

The girls sighed with relief, some of them almost did a happy dance, but were afarid Mrs. Burnes would catch them

Fredrick didn't know what happened, he suddenly found Morgan missing

Fredrick: Hey girls, where's Morgan

Mary: You didn't know, master?

Fredrick looked at her questioning

Sara: Morgan left.. She's no longer working here

Fredrick looked shocked, why didn't she say something, leaving out of the blue

Nina: Maybe you should talk to the mistress or Mrs. Burnes, sir

He nodded and went to find his mother

Fredrick: Hey mom

Mrs. Mayweather: Hmm?

Fredrick: What happened with Morgan?

She sighed: We had to let her go

Fredrick: May I ask why? And without even telling me, she was my personal maid. You should've at least consulted me

Mrs. Mayweather: That doesn't allow her any special treatment, she broke the rules. She understood the consequences of doing what she did

Fredrick: And what was that?

Mrs. Mayweather: There was a situation where she took into her own hands, instead of going to Mrs. Burnes or me for help

He sighed, sure it was the thing she was so worried about

Fredrick: Wait! Bella left too, did it have something to do with her as well?

Mrs. Mayweather: How did you know? Did she tell you anything?

Fredrick: No, I only noticed she looked troubled and asked if anything was bothering her, she just told me she was worried about something, and there was nothing I could have done about it. I should've pushed her for an answer

He sighed, continuing: It's just that, Bella wasn't the nicest, girls always seem to take a dislike to her, and Morgan never could handle mean people, if she did something to any of the girls, especially her cousin, she'd have reacted, getting herself fired, which is probably the case..

His mother smiled: You seem to know her too well

He laughed: Of course, I've only liked her for a few years now..

Mrs. Mayweather: Oh honey..

Fredrick: You don't need to be worried though, I never acted on it, and she was just a friend, while she stayed here

Mrs. Mayweather waved him off: I knew you wouldn't do anything of the sort, and she seemed like a great girl, till this happened

Fredrick: I don't know what she did, but knowing her it might have been a bit.. Unorthodox.. I'm not saying this makes it ok, but I like that about her, the take no shit attitude

Mrs. Mayweather: Fredrick!

He smiled sheepishly: Sorry! I wish she'd at least said goodbye

Mrs. Mayweather: She might have wanted to, but she wouldn't have been allowed to, smart girl.. You're going to search for her, aren't you?

He sighed: Yes, I was going to offer her a job at the company, she's really good at what she does. I gave the board a sample of her work for them to decide, but after this.. I don't know if they are going to be willing

Mrs. Mayweather: I don't know. We want to keep this hushed up, and I'm pretty sure the Elliots feel the same, if only your little friend would drop her habit of acting on her own in similar situations, it might just work

He smiled gratefully at his mom

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