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When Morgan returned to the mansion, she found the girls whispering, Mary comforting a crying Nina..

Morgan: What happened?!

Nina looked at her with puffy, blood shot eyes: M-Morgan..

Morgan: Would someone please tell me what happened?!

Mary sent Emma and Sara to bed, and she hugged Nina telling her good night before she left herself

Morgan: Nina, please..

Nina sighed: Ben talked to me yesterday.. It seems that Miss Bella saw us.. She - She threatened to tell the mistress.. I know Ben, he won't lie, I wouldn't want him to anyway, but he might take the blame, even though I don't want him to, it wouldn't help anyway.. Either way, I would be fired, the rules are clear

Morgan sighed: You were never together when he was here. Hell! Even now, he barely spoke two words with you, till yesterday, and anyone else would have asked how you were doing once they noticed, it just happened so that he was the only one that did

She ran her hand through her hair: That witch!

Her voice was becoming too high

Nina's eyes widenes: Morgan calm down..

Morgan grimaced: Sorry.. Don't worry Nina, I will take care of it..

Nina: What are you going to do?!.

Morgan: You don't have to worry. I'm not going to do something that's very bad. I will not get you in trouble

Nina: I'm more worried about you getting into trouble!

Morgan: Well, don't. It's going to be fine

Nina didn't seem like she believed her

Next morning, Morgan started digging for dirt on Bella

The girls were curious, but only Mary asked: What are you planning to do?

Morgan: This is just insurance, to use it against her if she tormented my cousin more

Mary: Well, just be careful.. Jeez, remind me not to get on your bad side, you look really scary

Morgan laughed

She didn't find anything from the girls, but the guys, they were a different thing

Sam: I would've helped you, but I can't afford to lose my job

Morgan: I know

Sam: I think Will might know something though

Morgan arched a brow: William?

Sam: Yes, he has a bit of infatuation, he collects info about the rich kids

Morgan: Let's go then

She asked William about it, his reply was: What do I get if I tell you?

Morgan: Chocolate, a meal..

William wiggled his eyebrows: I'd prefer something else

Morgan: How about I kick your ass if you don't tell me

William: Aren't you a feisty little thing?

Sam sighed: Will, just tell her, should I remind you that if you try putting a hand on her, a certain someone would pulverise you, and I would be helping him

William: Fine, you spoil sport. I thought Bernie was the only boring one

Sam laughed: If he heard you, he would beat you up himself

William: Anywaaay, do you remember Daren?

Sam: What does he have anything to do with this?

William: Well, you remember how he was with the ladies

Sam nodded: Even worse than you

William: Well.. The reason he left was because he had a relationship with a guest. He might've had decided to leave on his own, maybe due to blackmail on her part..

Morgan: It was her

William nodded

Morgan: Well, damn.. Do you think he would be willing to tell the masters that?

William shrugged: Possibly, you are lucky I kept in touch with him, so aren't yo giving me anything for my services?

Morgan: Unless you want a home cooked meal or something of the sort, you better shut it

William: Not even a kiss?

Morgan gave him her most withering glare

He balked: How can he like you, you are so scary..

Morgan: Unlike you he's a decent guy so he has nothing to worry about

Sam smiled, he knew Will meant Fredrick, but Morgan thought he meant him. He shook his head, smiling

Morgan: Well, this is a nice piece of info, but I won't rely on them, we should catch her in the act being a b*tch, that would be easy..

Sam grimaced: Will wasn't completely wrong, you are starting to scare me

Morgan: Oh, shut up..

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