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After the little incident with the coffee, Bella seemed to have constantly wanted to put Nina in trouble, whatever the latter did, regardless of how well, the former would always complain the service was lacking

Mrs. Burnes wisely decided to put another girl on monster duty and rotate the girls so no one would burst an artery, but it didn't help much, Bella still targeted Nina and Morgan was getting fed up with it

Bella was careful to never do anything mean in front of the guys, or the masters of the house. In front of them, she was a sweet, if shallow girl

This gave Morgan an idea, maybe she could catch something on tape and blackmail the insufferable girl with it, she seemed to care about what they thought about her, so why not take advantage of that

While Nina was too nice to ever agree to that, Morgan wasn't above resorting to blackmail, if the hedious attitude continued against her cousin and friends

But she was saving this idea for later use, for now. She didn't want to get her cousin or herself into trouble. She had promissed, and she didn't want to break that promisse, unless she really had to

She tried relieving her cousin of monster duty whenever she could, despite Mrs. Burnes efforts, she couldn't get Nina completely out of the girl's sight at all times, it was just not possible

Morgan had made friends with Samuel, the other boys were nice too, but William was way too flirty, and Bernard mostly kept to himself

The guys had heard the girls complain about Bella, they might have not believed everything, if Sam had not witnessed an incident

Emma and Nina were serving breakfast that day. The mistress, Ben and Fredrick were out, so it was only Isabelle. Everything was going well, until Bella tripped Nina while she was passing with a tray

Nina fell and the plates crashed, food flying here and there

Bella snapped: Don't you look where you're going?!

Nina: I'm sorry miss

Bella: Sorry doesn't cut it!

Nina: I'll clean it right away

Bella: And what about my breakfast, do I have to wait beacuse you stupidly tripped over your own feet?

Emma: We'll get you new dishes right away

Bella kept staring daggers and muttering insults under her breath, which Nina could hear

Nina felt like crying

Sam was passing near the hall on an errand, he saw the whole thing. He was astonished, he'd make sure to talk to Morgan about what happened later

Morgan finished her work just in time to see her cousin clearing the broken plates and injuring her hand in the process

She rushed to her side

Morgan: Are you ok?

Nina nodded: Just a scratch

She meant to ask what exactly happened, but couldn't very well do that with Bella looking over them with disdain

Morgan barely kept herself from lashing at the offending diva

Bella: Who's that, your girlfriend? Wait, were you trying to get my attention by all your stupidity and clumsiness?

She sneered

Nina kept her gaze on the floor and ignored the remarks, but Morgan haf had enough

Her head shot up, her eyes met Bella's with a withering glare

Bella staggered back, it was the first time anyone had leveled such a glare at her

Morgan: Come, Nina

She helped her cousin clear the mess and lead her away

Once they were safely out of earshot..

Morgan: What the happened?

Emma: Nina tripped

Morgan: Nina, did she trip you

Nina refused to answer, her mouth a tight line

Morgan: So she did, that insufferable brat! I'll show her

Nina: No! Morgan, please promisse me you won't do anything. She won't stay here forever

Morgan muttered: Sure seems like it..

Nina: Morgan!

Morgan: Fine. I won't do amything, for now, but I make no promisses for the near future, if she does anything again..

She left it unsaid, but Nina knew that it wouldn't end well for either of them

She left the kitchen to get back to work, only to be met by Sam

Sam: Hey, what was all that about?

Morgan: Just the she devil bring who she is

Sam winced: I thought you girls were over reacting, but now..

Morgan: Did you see what happened?

Sam: I saw Nina trip, then heard what she'd said to her..

Morgan snapped: Why didn't you help, if you'd made yourself known, she would've stopped

Sam: I'm sorry, I didn't think it was my place to intervene, I did have other things to do.. And besides, I was curious and wanted to see what was going to happen, without disturbing the line of events. Now I can actually believe you when you complain about her

Morgan: Sorry for snapping at you, it's just that she would have stopped if had seen you, she never does anything like this in front of any of you. Anyway, did you see how Nina tripped?

Sam: No, my angle didn't really give me full view of how it happened, why?

Morgan: I'm almost certain she was thr one that tripped Nina

Sam grimaced: Is she really that bad?

Morgan shrugged, they continued talking in their low voices, on their way back to work

Fredrick was just returning, he was going to call for Morgan, but when he saw her walking with Sam, he stopped himself. He didn't like what he saw, they looked too close, maybe even intiment, he sighed and left

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