E X T R A - My Boys

Start from the beginning

Sighing, I turn around and waddle back into our room. I lay back on the bed and rub my stomach trying to hold back tears. Gosh, I'm such a girl. These last nine months have been an emotional wreck but at the end I know it will all be worth it. I was due to go into labour next wee-

Dylan slammed the opposite door open and ran downstairs. Confused I followed him down as fast as a pregnant women could. I found him rummaging through some drawers in the kitchen.

"Dylan?" Surprised Dylan shoots up whacking his head on the counter.

"Fuck" He curses rubbing his head standing up, holding a piece of fabric in his hand. 

"You okay" I ask walking to him rubbing his head. He looks at me and smiles. No matter what happens, that smile will never stop giving me butterflies.

"You've been crying" he frowns.

"Oh, I didn't notice" I brush him off. I attempt to walk away but he softly pulls me back. 

"Look, I'm sorry for doing what I've been doing for the past month. I just..I rea....I'll just show you" He turns me around tying the fabric to my eyes. He guides me up the stairs until we came to a halt. I heard the door opening and we took a step, and it slammed shut again.

The blindfold dropped and my hand flew to my mouth. It..It was beautiful. The entire room was decorated ready to welcome our baby boy. The walls were covered in a baby blue colour with a small crib flat next to it. There was a chair placed in the corner probably for when I fed him. There were one cupboard and one drawer settled in the room two. The floor was carpeted with a blue rug placed on top of it. Chase, Blake and Zac all sat there covered in painting giving the room it's final touches. 

"You like it?" Dylan whispers in my ear. 

"I love it" I turn around hugging him. 

"I love you" His lips press against my neck.

"I love..uh oh" I push him away.

"What?" Zac asks standing up.

"Oh Fuck!! Get me to the hospital" I yell wide eyed.

"Oh my God, I'm having a baby!" Dylan yells freaked out. I glare at him.

"No, you're having a baby" he corrects himself. 

"Hospital. Now" I grit through the pain of contractions. 

"Right?" Dylan runs out of the room panicked. Is he for real. A second later he runs back in.

"Taking you to the hospital" He lifts me up running to the car.

"Stop running!" I yell.

"Don't yell at me, I'm taking you to the hospital" Dylan defends. Zac, Chase and Blake all ran to Blake's car and jamp in ready to follow behind.

"SHUT UP!" I yell at Dylan who was hyperventilating. 

"I'M HAVING A BABY" He yells louder. He stopped the car not bothering to find  parking space. He got out of the car throwing the keys to Zac who easily caught them. He ran over to my side lifting me up again.

"I'm..no..She's having a baby" Dylan yells running into the hospital. A few  nurses run over with a stretcher and Dylan places me on their while they wheel me to the delivery room. After doing everything need I lay there in more pain than ever.

"Push! Look like this" Dylan pulls my face towards him as he shows me the correct way to push. The nurses chuckle.

"You look constipated" I comment and he stops. 

"Just push" he sighs

"Don't tell me what to do" I yell at him. Feel a gush of pain, a scream escapes my lips.

"I am never. Ever. Letting you fucking touch me again. Ever." Dylan's face falls.

"You serious? You can' do that? That's not fair!" He whines. To think he'll be a Father soon.

"Sweetie, you need to push" The Doctor says looking at me. I look at her through teary eyes and nod trying to push.

"Baby. Come on. You can do this. I know you can.: Dylan whispers in my ear. One of his hands held mine while his other hand rested on my head. After a few more pushes, I fall back onto the bed exhausted as a cry fills the room. 

"I love you Baby. Thank you so much" Dylan kisses me slowly and passionately. He slowly pulls away as the Nurse brings our Baby boy over and places him on my lap.

"He's beautiful" Dylan comments. I nod not being able to form words. I'm a Mum. I'm holding my son. I'm holding our son.

"This is our son" I look up at Dylan with tears of happiness. He smiles down at me lovingly. Adoration in his eyes.

"It is" He replies pecking my forehead and then the baby.


"Noah Ryder!" I yell trying to find my two year old son. He wanted to play hide and seek, so he hid with his Daddy. I run upstairs looking in every room until I reach Dylan an I's. I slowly open the door only to be met with a sleeping Dylan next to a sleeping Noah. Dylan was laying flat on his back, with Noah resting on his chest. 

I stand there, goofily smile at my boys. The boys who matter the most to me. The boys I love more than anyone and everyone. They were my boys. I walk over to them bending down to peck Noah's forehead. I do the same with Dylan. Just as I was about to stand up again, I was pulled down.

"Don't leave" Dylan mumbles pulling me closer. I settle down, wrapping my arms around him. He opens his eyes smiling at me.

"Thank you Skylar. For everything. For not refusing to live with Gabe. For attending the school I attended. For standing up to me. For fighting for me. For protecting me. For giving me someone to love. For being my girlfriend. For being my wife. For giving me and family and most importantly. For loving me. Thank you.: He leans down capturing my lips with his own. 

"Shouldn't I be the one thanking you? Thank you, for trusting me. For believing in me. For not leaving my side and most importantly Fighting for me?" He shakes his head capturing my lips again. Right then I new, nothing could tear us part. Not now. Not ever. 

I am Dylan's.

Dylan is mine.

We are one. Always will be.


{A/N: Supriseeeeeee!!!!!! Isn't Milo the cutest??? Jessiann Gravel is so damn lucky to have Francisco as a hubby. But seriously, Milo and Francisco are #FatherSonGoals. They are the cutest. Here it ends guys. I don't think there will be any extra's from now on. I may or may not do a sequel on Noah but I doubt it. Sorry. Anyway The whole crew is mentioned in my other book, so go check it out. 'Raven'. Anyway please...




Lots of Love

- ME}

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