Ch. 23: Amelia Earhart

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Canada took a break from the fragments to look at another entry in the journal. He was so surprised to find so many entries in Alfred's journal. But stop when he look at one entry that broke his heart.

"I don't hate anyone. Not even Russia. But sometimes I feel like the world hates me".

Canada:...I don't know what the others think but I don't hate you Al.

He read another entry.

"Dear diary, Sometimes I really envy Mattie. His ability to just disappear. Sure it must suck for him to not always be noticed, but he has the ability to be. Granted, most of the time he's actually noticed is during a hockey game, but he can do it. Me? I can't ever get people to forget me, and I get blamed for everything, hated for the things I try to do right because of it. Sometimes I get tired, and sometimes? Sometimes I don't want people to know I'm there."-America.

Canada felt the tears again and wipe them. He really wish he could back all the mean things to said to America all those years ago.

He then decided to read one more entry.

"Dear Diary, I've still been looking for Amelia. Even though everyone says it's too late, I still have not given up on her. She was my everything and I can't just throw that away.
My beautiful eagle has flown away and there's no way to bring her back. This can't be happening. The hero is supposed to keep the girl safe." -America.

Matthew look at the journal with a pained look. He remember the girl. She was Amelia Earhart. America's friend and longlife love. She always called America: Flyboy.

Canada: He still misses her. Oh Al...Even after 80 years, you were still searching for her.

Canada look at the memory fragment and touched one. Sending him into a memory where he was at the airport.

Amelia had already begun her round of goodbyes and she got to Alfred last.

Amelia: Hey Flyboy.You're going to catch your death of cold out here without a jacket.

America: I forgot it...I came over here so fast just to see you.

She looked down at hers. she pulled her jacket off and gave it him.

 she pulled her jacket off and gave it him

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Amelia: Here. Take mine...does it fit?
America: Yeah it's a little big too.

Amelia: It's so one can wear it longer. Now you really do look like my flyboy now.

The pair only stared at one another for a few moments before bringing each other into a passive kiss.

???: Ms. Earhart.

A man said as he interuppted them.

Man: Your plane is ready for takeoff.

Amelia: Well flyboy. I must be off, wait for me when I come back alright?

America: Always will.

He smiled and watched her walk off.

Her plane took off the runway ten minutes later.

However that was the last time America ever saw her again. She disappeared off the face of the world. Once it happend America cried for days. He then begin searching for her. Days have gone by. Then months. Then years. Still no sign of her. People always told America to give up. But he never did...He was still searching for her...

Canada: Al...

He now realize why America wears that bomber jacket to the world meeting. He keeps with him to still hold the memory of Amelia Earhart.

The scene fades away as Canada was flooded into the darkness once again.


Note: Amelia Earhart was a pioneering aviator and inspirational figure. She became the first woman to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean and set many other records throughout her career. Before she disappeared in 1937 during an attempt to circumnavigate the globe devastated admirers across the United States and around the world. Her public career lasted less than a decade (from 1928 to 1937), but she used her fame to promote two causes dear to her: the advancement of commercial aviation and the advancement of women. People are still wondering what after to her and went into search parties. Her plane was identified and found. But after 80 years and being declared dead, the fate of what happend to her remains a mystery.

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