Dan Howell Fanfiction

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"Okay, we'll give them what they want, but don't worry, because it means nothing at all," He is trying to make me feel better, but it isn't working. I smile and thank him anyways.

Phil and Louise come over and we start a conversation about exactly what we are going to do. We have all figured out how we will enter, where we will stand, and how we will portray the emotion. We also have to make sure that the cameras get a good shot of us, since it is live.

Everyone who is about to perform takes their places behind the curtain. That means that our little group is left behind backstage. We watch from the monitors on the wall, and it is VERY funny. Then it is our turn so we get behind the curtain and mentally prepare to see millions of people staring at us.

We are doing perfectly fine, and then the kissing scene is happening.

(ATTENTION ALL FAN GIRLS IT IS HAPPENING!1!!2!!1!!!!11!11!1!111!2!!!)

Dan holds me in his arms romantically, and slowly leans in and kisses me. He sticks his tongue in my mouth and we are now officially making out. It lasts longer than I expected, and everyone claps and cheers. He pulls away and looks at me. Then we awkwardly get off the stage while Phil and Louise follow.

We are done with this show, and we make our way out the door, but I decided to be brave and do something I never would have done before.

"Hey, Dan! Wait up for just a second," He stops and waits for me to come up to him, "Look, I was just wondering if, you know, if I could have your phone number. Then maybe we could hang out sometime. Unless you don't want to, of course."

"Yeah, sure. I'd love that," He gets his phone out and we type each others numbers in the phones, "I'll see you around sometime."

This was great! Since I live in London also, we'll be close and we could have a chance at being good friends! Or more than friends....

So I continue the day going to panels to meet fans and answer questions, eating room service food, and hanging out with some other YouTube friends.

When the day was over, I went to my hotel room and practically fell over on the bed. So much has happened today, as well as so many awkward fan moments that I'll probably make a video on. I changed into my pjs' and turned on my laptop to check my social media. There were a ton of gifs and pictures of Dan and I. Some were even photo shopped make it look like Phil kissed Dan instead of me. I bet the whole Phandom is mad with me.

I heard my phone buzz and I saw that Dan had texted me!

Dan- Hey, how was your day?

Me- Pretty good. I am really tired after all of the fans swarming around me. It takes a lot of energy to do these meet ups.

Dan- Yeah, I know right? I am glad that I was able to do this though, because my fans are so loving and sweet.

Me- Yeah, mine too. I just wish they'd give me just a little personal space once in a while.

Dan- Do you want to go out for coffee sometime when we get back home?

Me- Yeah, I' love that! We'll discuss arrangements when we get there. Have a good night.

Dan- You too. J

God, he is so sweet. I just hope that we might be going out on a date, and not going out as friends. Maybe we could be girlfriend and boyfriend someday. I look out of my window and see the beautiful California lights from the buildings. I take a few pictures and then I go to bed.

In the morning, I wake up hearing the sounds of my alarm on my phone. I get up and get dressed in my usual skinny jeans, black shirt and black Vans. I had a panel in about an hour, but it's in walking distance, so I decided just to relax and play on the computer until thirty minutes before. Then I take a shower and straighten it. I don't wear makeup, so by the time imp done, it is time for me to leave. I grab my hotel room keys, my phone, and my purse.

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