Chapter Nineteen: Busted For Real

Start from the beginning

A lot.

And am I supposed to get used to this? Because I don't think I could ever get used to this. Not until feeling his breath down behind my neck wouldn't feel like the most embarrassing thing in the whole universe.

But on the bright side, I'm not late!

So after taking a warm bath and scarfing down my bacon and eggs, I headed out to school as fast as I could.

Aside from what happened last night, my thoughts would occasionally be about Brendan. Despite winning that soccer match against Drew, he still let Drew get the position of being the club president.

He could have just passed it on to any of his members. That would have been a much responsible decision.

I don't know if you'll believe me but he really was desperate to beat me. Because he thought that you liked soccer players, especially big shots like me. So he wanted to be one by replacing me as the soccer club president as a start.

It must have been that. So in a way he did it for Drew, and maybe for me as well.

This is also the reason why I don't really have friends and why I suck at communicating. I keep on moving and I find it useless to keep friendship if I have to keep on jumping from one country to another. But I don't really mind having no friends. I love my father and that's all that really matters to me.

He did so much to everyone around him, to his father, that he didn't even think of his own happiness. He really is something.

He also said that I should stop being such a worry wart about him and start looking for my own happiness.

I hope he could find his own happiness one day.

When I reached my classroom there were about more than half of the class present despite being early, and if that wasn't surprising enough, Dawn arrived ahead of me to think that she's even a bigger not-morning person than I am.

"May!" The cheerful blunette called out to me. "Did you just read the school bulletin?"

Oh boy, please don't tell me someone just transferred here again.

"What is it?" I asked and sat down beside her.

"Drew just took over the soccer club!" She exclaimed.

"Oh, I see." I nodded knowingly. I twisted my head searching for him inside the room but there was no sign of him.

"You're not surprise?" Leaf asked behind me.

Then I immediately realized my huge mistake.

I instantly looked back at her. "Really?! How did that happen?! I- I mean you know m-me, I don't read the school bulletin." I panicked really bad and tried my best to look as surprised and astonished as I should be. "I thought Brendan was the president of the club. Yeah? What happened to him?"

I must have looked pretty dumb, well I've always looked dumb, but I thought it was worth the shot. Maybe they wouldn't suspect that I already knew something about it and thought that I wasn't just interested or anything just like the usual.

"Come on Maybelle." Misty replied casually. "You're better than that."

Apparently not.

Both my lying and acting skills were both beyond pitiful.

"You know something about this don't you?" Misty sharpened her gaze at me.

"Know something about what?" I gulped.

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