|21| Beautiful Escape

Start from the beginning

"Y/N?" Louise spoke up after two minutes of the girl staring at the floor.

"Camren." Y/N finally said something, earning a sigh of relief from her therapist. The girl stood up, grabbed her jacket and started putting it on.

"Um, your session isn't over until another half hour."

"Really?" Y/N stopped to look at the clock, rolling her eyes when she noticed she was right. It felt like she was in that room for two hours already, she adjusted the collar of her jacket."I'm sorry. But you made me see something."

"I do that for a lot of people." Louise said happily.

"Um, so...I'll see if I'll stop by tomorrow." She quickly shook her therapist's hand, thanking her quickly before rushing out of the room and the building. She took her keys out of her jacket pockets, unlocking her car before getting in. She took a deep breath, shaking her head when Lauren's laugh suddenly rang through her ears and the sound quickly making a smile break out on her face.

She turned her car on, driving quickly to the apartment complex to see if she could find...her.


Y/N stared at the door, like knocking on it was something that could change her life forever. She raised her hand, her knuckles turning white of how hard she was clenching her fist because, for some reason, she couldn't knock on the door. She released a breath, muttering a few curse words to herself before she felt her knuckles hit the wooden door. She knocked loudly three times, shifting from one foot to the other as she waited for the girl to open. She lost her patience and knocked again, clenching her hands to her side now as she waited once again.

She heard footsteps, then they stopped suddenly when they were right at the door. She figured the girl was looking through the peephole to check who was knocking on the door. So she waved shyly, sighing in relief when she heard from door unlock.

The door opened revealing a confused, brown eyed Latina. She was wearing a onesie, and Y/N admitted to herself that she found her cute in it. She shook that thought away, remembering why she was at her door in the first place."I'm gonna talk to Lauren."


"Let me finish." Camila nodded, pursing her lips as she leaned against her doorframe."I'll talk to Lauren. Tell her that she has waited enough time and that its time to get over the fact you ditched her on that one date." Camila frowned at the mention of it, running her hand through her tangled hair tiredly."It won't happen again, right?"


"No time." Y/N interrupted her, shaking her hand as she spoke; something she did when she was in a hurry or nervous. Camila furrowed her eyebrows, listening to what the girl had to say,"I'll convince Lauren on asking you on a date..."

"Or I could ask her." Camila tried.

"No. She'll think I'll talk to you."

"But you did." Camila furrowed her eyebrows, feeling confused."I mean..., you are."

"Are you high?" Camila shook her head, her eyebrows still furrowed as she thought of what she just said."Anyway, I'll talk to her. So be ready...act surprise, got it?"

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