|25| Please Don't Hate Me

Start from the beginning

"We're still best friends, right? I'm not that bad of a kisser, right?" Y/N laughed, forcing the laugh out hoping that her lie wasn't noticeable. Lauren, as well, forced a laugh and changed her expression before turning around to look at Y/N.

"No. You're not a bad kisser. And yes, we're still best friends." Lauren smiled, then looked down at the floor when she couldn't look into Y/N's eyes without remembering the kiss.

"Awesome." Y/N stood up, shaking her head and sighing in relief when her head didn't start pounding. She looked at Lauren, who was still staring at the floor with no emotion on her face. Y/N bit her lip, thinking on whether she should ask or not. She sighed quietly,"How was the date...with Camila?"

Lauren picked her head up,"Huh? Oh, it went great. We talked. A lot."

"That's it?"

"Well, I was going to ask her to be my girlfriend...." Y/N raised her eyebrows confusedly, was? Lauren laughed softly,"You somehow managed to interrupt that."

I did!? Drunk me is a genius. No wait."Damn it, I'm so sorry, Lauren." The green eyed girl waved her dismissively."I'm sorry, Lauren. Oh god, I wonder what other stupid thing I did."

"Well..." Lauren started.

"Oh god."

"You yelled at my phone, telling it that you weren't drunk."


Lauren nodded, an amused smile on her lips as she continued."You also told me and Camila, as I recall you calling it a booger, and to get a room." Y/N furrowed her eyebrows."You were talking about Uber."

"Anything else?" Y/N asked, her embarrassment showing on her pink cheeks.

Lauren shook her head,"Maybe Dinah and the girls have something else embarrassing on you." Y/N's eyes widen making Lauren giggle and walk past her, towards her room with Y/N following now."Dash is currently with Preslee at Normani's." She informed Y/N, making Y/N realize that he was in fact missing."And I have to go the studio."


"Yeah." Lauren smiled, showing her journal to the younger girl."I'll be there for only an hour tops. If not, text Normani and ask her if you have to get Dash or if she is dropping him off."

"Wait, the girls aren't going with you?" Y/N asked confusedly.

"No. I told you, they're coming over later. Besides, I'm only doing background vocals." Y/N pouted making Lauren laugh, shaking her head."I am getting a solo, don't worry."

"You better. You have an amazing voice."

And for some reason, hearing those words come out of Y/N's mouth meant so much more to her than when others tell her. Lauren has gotten that complement several times before, several times. And never did she ever blush either when hearing the words come from someone else beside Y/N. So now she's even more confused about Y/N than she has ever been. Why was she even thinking of Y/N in that way anyway? She told Y/N, and herself, that the kiss meant nothing. But it's not like it was the kiss that had her thinking of Y/N that way. Every time they cuddled, talked or did anything that involves being together she always found herself thinking of Y/N than just as a friend. Can friends think of other friends like that?

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