Chapter Sixty- Seven

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I walk inside the visiting room within the jail and sit down at the wall of glass. Daniella smiles sweetly at me as I turn and look back at her for encouragement. I sit down in the hard, metal chair and take a deep breath.

I can't wait to see my step-father's face and tell him how much I hate him. Though I know exactly what I want to say to him, I am more nervous than I think I have ever been.

A loud buzzer goes off and he walks out from behind a door that slowly rolls open.

A tear rolls down my cheek. I haven't seen him since the night he killed my entire family.

I can't believe it's finally over. He is finally going to be brought to justice. My family can finally rest in piece.

He sits down in the seat across from me and lifts the phone to his face. "Son." He speaks as he sits in the chair across from me.

"Don't call me son!" I shout. If there wasn't a thick piece of glass between us, I would have lunged at his throat and began choking him already. "Why did you do it?" I ask, getting right to the point. That is the only reason I actually came. I have to know why.

Why he took my family from me. Why he forced me to grow up with strangers in the foster case system. Why he didn't just kill me too. Why he didn't stay and help my mom.

I have to know why.

"Who is this lovely lady behind you?" He asks, waving at Daniella. "Hello."

"She's none of your fucking business." I growl. "Why did you do it? Why did you kill them?"

He sighs. "To be honest, I don't know why I did it. The doctors say I wasn't in the right state of mind. They are going to use a mentally insane plea to get me off." He replies, still staring at Daniella.

"Bullshit. You were in the right mind." I shake my head. "That is the lousiest excuse I have ever heard."

"No Michael, I-"

"Don't say my name." I growl through my clenched jaw. "You don't have the right."

"Look, I just want you to see how much I've changed since that night. I am good now. I am clean. We can finally be a family again."

I stand myself up as I slam my hands on the counter, the sound echoing through the room.

"I have no family! Because you killed them! I don't want you to shelter me under your wing! You killed them! And you left me to be alone for the rest of my life! Why didn't you just kill me too?! My life would have been a lot easier if I didn't have to deal with all the shit you left me with! Nightmares, anxiety, I pushed everyone away because of you!"

I calm myself down. I can't get myself arrested.

"Why didn't you just kill me?" I ask more calmly, sitting myself down.

The look on his face is pure shock. "To be honest, I already thought you were the first one I killed." He admits. "When they told me you were alive, I was shocked. You were so little when I threw you at that wall. You didn't move. I assumed you were dead."

I shake my head. "I watched my mother die. I listened as my baby sisters screamed for mercy. I couldn't do anything. Why them? They were just babies. They couldn't even walk yet."

I watch as my step-fathers jaw drops. He does not know what to say. I forced him to be speechless. He has no words. He doesn't have a valid answer for his actions.

Just as I thought.

"Alright." I stand and motion to the officer watching to make sure nothing happens, that I am ready to leave. "I think I've given you enough of my time. You sure as hell don't deserve any, so consider that a treat."

I stand and walk towards the door to leave. I guide Daniella out first. I feel at peace with how I am leaving him. He does not deserve any more of my time.

"Michael, come to my trial. Please. Just listen to what I have to say. You won't regret it. Please." He begs. I turn around and see that he is interlocking his fingers and leaning his elbows on the counter to appear weak and fragile.

"I hope you rot in jail and die with all of the other scum in there, you piece of shit. Fuck you." I grind my teeth together and growl my words at him. "Let's go Dani."

AN: there are only 18 chapters left. How do you think everyone's story is going to end?

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