Chapter Four

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I walk back up the flight of stairs to get away from everybody down there.

They all make me sick.

Why the hell do they all think I need a baby sitter anyways? I am a grown man. I don't need some little blonde girl straight out of kindergarten watching over me every time I cross the street.

Who does she think she is anyways? Marching in here - on to my territory- like she owns the whole place. Does she think she is just going to blink and automatically be in charge of everything? Of me?

She's crazy if she believes that is how this is going to work.

I slam my door and throw myself on my bed.

Telling me I got an attitude problem. Who gave her the right? How dare she?

I do not have any kind of an attitude problem! I am exactly what this band needs! Every group has had its bad boy member. It always adds higher ratings and overall intrigue and sales end up going through the roof! The bad boy in this group just happens to be me. I am helping them. They just don't see it.

I am good at it. It's what I do best.

Why do they all want to change me anyways? My agent? The Boys? This chick walking in to my life for the first time?

Why can't they just accept me as I am?

Why can't I just do what I do?

Why can't they mind their own goddamned business?!

And the little princess downstairs thinks she can just waltz right in here and wave her magic wand and everything will be perfect. Then she can go home to her cute little house in the middle of nowhere and raise her little angel babies on a farm somewhere.

Why does she have to be American anyways?! They couldn't at least send me an Australian girl? British? Why the hell did they pick her of all people on this planet?!

I will never begin to understand why she was chosen.

It makes no sense. Why fly someone all the way from America to somewhere she is not comfortable, just to hold my hand?

She isn't even cute. They sent me a short girl with just a bit of sass shoved in her four foot body. She looks like she needs a touch up on her face and definitely a new dye job on her hair.

She is nothing but a goody two shoes teenager who wants fame and fortune and will do just about anything to get it.

I would say dating a notoriously bad member of a gigantic worldwide sensation will do the trick better than anything else she has ever written in her dream journal.

I mean, I am always in the media one way or another. Stealing a car lands me on tv. Gambling all my money away lands me on the cover of every magazine in the world. Cursing at a lousy pap blows up my Twitter for weeks.

I can only imagine what dating an American girl will do for me.

Her Twitter will be blowing up in the matter of seconds once she is seen with me.

Maybe once her follower count is above 6, she will go home to her little pink cabin in Antarctica and talk to her penguins and leave me the hell alone.

That would be the best news I could ever receive.

All of this is happening because I can sing a little.

Walking around on a stage with three childish boys dancing in circles around me and prancing over to fans.

I should have never agreed to this stupid band in the first place.

It is hurting me more than it is benefiting me at this point.

AN: Sorry this chapter is a bit shorter than the rest. Hope you are liking this story though! Vote & comment!

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